Plus 2s130 Park Switch

Hi All,

Having re-wired my Plus 2, I’m having some problems with the ‘park’ switch. I can’t get the relay to latch. With power connected, if I select the ON position, the Sidelights will flash on, but then go off when the switch self centres.

My wiring was the 4-relay, 12 fuse type circuitry, rather than the later 4 fuse arrangement, if that helps. I have re-wired around the same wiring arrangement, but moved all of this relay and fuse circuitry into the glove box using blade fuses and new, small relays. Also, the Sidelight microswitch isn’t fitted, and I have a flying lead to simulate its action. Interestingly with this connection closed, the sidelights are on permanantly, and the go off when OFF is selected, but come back on when the switch self centres.

I wondered if someone had a diagram, or simple explanation of how this is supposed to work ?

Thanks in anticipation.



Have you kept the “Hold on” feature on the sidelights when you rewired the relay ?

Were you working from the original wiring diagram ?


Hi Sean,

I’m sure what you’re describing is what’s missing. I wired as per the original wiring diagram, but this isn’t clear as to how the Park switch functions, i.e. what connections are normally open, and what connections are normally closed. The same is also not clear for the relay, i.e. which connections are normally closed vs open.

On my car this relay had been replaced with a 5 pole c/o relay and I thought I’d carried all of the wiring over, but obviously not.

The new relay is a change over type (5 terminals) and so I have some options in re-wiring.

I was trying to sketch out how the circuit worked, but thought I should see if someone already had it figured out.

Thanks for any help you can give.


Just sorted this out. Problem was a bad earth on the coil of the relay. Re-crimped and all OK.

For reference, on the Park switch, the Blue to Red/green is normally closed and is opened when the OFF position is selected. The Blue to Brown/White is normally open and closed when ON is selected.

