Plus 2 windscreen advice

Evening all, the car in question is a ‘73 plus 2s 130, I’m just approaching the point where I’m going to paint my body shell. I bought the car as a barn find and didn’t dismantle the glass from the body, it was already out. In the final check before painting I’m test fitting all the bits and bobs including glass. And finally to the question! How does the front screen fit? I was expecting a regular seal and locking strip but can’t see how that would fit at the dash/scuttle joint. I’ve read that some screens fit with a rubber seal as described and some are bonded. Can anyone shed some light on this please? Also is bonded or rubber seal better? Is it the same glass for either? Is the shell modified for either or are they interchangeable? I think I may need an idiots guide to plus 2 windscreens!!

Your car is a bonded Screen and you have no choice. You have the original Screen so i would suggest you get someone who knows +2S bonded Screens to fit it. With new trim of course.
It’s a tricky job.
The body is different between the 2 ways of fitting a Screen.
Have a look at past posts about bonded Screens and you will start to understand why imho take it to a specialist.
It sounds like you’re a +2 virgin :smiley:

Hi Alan, thank you for that. Can you clarify the difficulties please, I’m just trying to understand the job completely. You’re spot on about the plus 2 virgin! I’ve made great progress thus far and am thoroughly enjoying learning about the car and also new skills along the way.

The big problem on the bonded Screens is the special plastic/chrome trim and shaping it around the corners without getting lots of creases/wrinkles.
Also to get the bottom new corner peices the correct width for the new trim which is narrower than the original.
After the paint job on the Body you need the Trim and Screen bonded correctly to finish the job well.

Thank you Alan, as you suggested I’ve been reading all the posts I can find about bonding windscreens in.

If you look for Innes’ post he fitted the bonded screen in his JPS +2 and provided, if I recall correctly, a very detailed account.

Thanks Jono, I found that one, good instructions and photos too.

Thanks Jono, I found that one, good instructions and photos too.