Can someone please help me to understand the motor wiring on the PLUS 2 S130: my windows had always been slow, then they started to blow the ignition live fuse when I raised the window: turns out the green wire was shorting to earth somewhere from the window switch green piggy back to the fog lights , because when I cut the piggy back to the fog lights, the green wire from fuse box to window switch is ok…more re this later…BUT FIRST…
I am turning my attention to improving the motor speed, by first seeing how fast the motors work direct from a spare battery. When took off the door panels, there are two wires to the motor innards and an earth wire on the motor body. When I connect a spare battery: -ve to the earth wire and the positive to one of the two motor wires, the window goes up quickly and comes down quickly when I connect the battery +ve to the other motor wire. Same for both driver and passenger side. Is this what should happen…? If someone can confirm so far, so good, I can move on to investigate thicker earths, thicker lives etc…etc…
Yes, I put in relays right before the wires go to the tube that runs to the door and the window motor and they do go up smoothly and quickly as you describe with direct battery. When I did not have the relays on, I had to have an assist in pulling them up and slow and inconsistent on the downward. Gordon.
Relays are not required. All relays do is save the switches, and they are IME plenty beefy
Much better wire and fusing are required.
I rewired the feed and ground with 14AWG wire and individually fused them.
They will run up and down quite quickly with the engine off , which was never a thing before.
Mine were very sluggish and would not raise at all without a push. I found the contacts in the switches to be well-carboned, but cleaning that didn’t help. What DID help was to run heavy-gauge earths directly from each motor to the chassis-bolts on the tunnel. That made the windows move with authority!
The grease hardens over time. On my car the window would not even move by themselves. IF you are not taking everything apart, a bit of oil on the channel the roller runs in improves things
Heavier wires are a huge improvement.