Plus 2 Vs. Plus 2 S130

I having been looking for a Plus 2 S130 for a restoration project. I was leaning toward the 130 because of the additional horsepower created by the big valve engine. My second choice was a Plus 2 S. I have read that the S model is a little more luxurious (relatively speaking) than the non-S version. And if I found a S, I could always convert the engine to a big valve version when I rebuilt it.

However, I have come across a 1968 Plus 2. It meets all my other requirements (body condition, frame condition, needs a lot of work but all parts assembled to the car, price range, etc) but it isn’t a S130.

Is there really much difference between the models? Is the big value engine noticable or just a marketing ploy? Any advice is greatly appreciated.

Greetings, the differences are minimal in my opinion. I have a '69 +2, if I wanted to make it perform like a big valve I could do it by modifing/changing the head. I could put a 5 speed in it and maybe one day I will. In the meantime, I’m perfectly happy with it as opposed to any other model +2. The dashboard wood is gorgeous and the only thing really missing from later models are a couple of gauges and two driving lamps. Wheels can be updated and the seats seemed to get a little less comfortable as the cars got newer. I love my plain old plus two.

How much performance you want out of a plus 2 should not be a consideration in what you buy. The differences between the early plus 2 and last plus2S 130/5 was small. Any engine rebuild can bring an engine version up to perform beyond the last big valve motor at relatively little cost.

Performance beyond that can be develop in lots of ways either by development of the basic twin cam eg. a bored out late kent block and developed head will give a road tractable 160hp out of 1760 cc. A Ford BD series head on a Kent block will give you more still, a Zetec conversion or similar more again out of 2 plus litres. All of these options start to cost serious money for seriou horsepower.

I would focus on getting the right basic car and then develop the performance I wanted.


i own a +2s130.the difference in the big valve engine is the cams .the bigger valves increased the hp by about 1hp.the d cams is what gave the power increase.these were actually made for the super se before the big valve was concieved.the 130 commands more money usually.thats about it .

While the the size of the valves (small valve to big valve approx 1mm on the inlet only) is insignificant, the cams combined with the raised compression (9.5 to 10.3) accounts for the extra power (115/118 to 126bhp)
This may not be true on some export versions as I believe some markets were supplied with big valve but low compression engines.

If I’m not mistaken, the increased compression ratio is achieved by milling .040" off of the mating surface of the head.

Yes thats correct, and accordind to the specs only another 10 thou can be taken off the B/V head if it should need to be skimed again.

Hi there,
To get back to the question over the different models the +2 and +2s are different in terms of the internal trim; The +2s being of a higher spec than the +2.

The other main difference between the +2s and the S130 is the wiring. On the S130 the wiring was much simplified with a large amount of extra door, boot and bonnet lighting being dropped. Also they moved from the complicated 3 fuse box arrangement to just one located in the dash board.

If you’re not good with electric’s then the S130 is the better option, if you want something old and original then the +2 would be your choice; The +2s fits in the middle.

Personally I have a +2s - built in 1969.



Don’t forget the diiferent exhaust layout for the earlier cars…Early +2s have a transverse silencer, which cannot be updated easily…Just about everything else is negotiable!