Not sure what these things are supposed to be called, but they are the blue rubber rings that go around the metal rollers in the seat rails of a Plus 2. Mine are serviceable but have numerous flat-spots on them so I’ve got an eye toward possible replacement at some point but it’s not urgent. So since I’m not even sure what to call them, has anybody ever replaced these, where did you get the new ones, and what did the merchant call them?
Interested to see what you find out. My seats are hard to move as I think mine have reacted with a cleaner/lubricant I used on the rails.
I think the seat bases/rails are from a triumph, so may be some info on a triumph site. They pretty much just fat orings so probably just a case of finding a similar sized oring.
Perhaps, although I figured that a conventional neoprene O-ring may not be durable enough.