Plus 2 S on dellortos

Does anyone know how many plus 2 S cars were originally specced on dellortos rather than the std issue weber DCOE 40s -strangely enough my previous 69 Elan FHC S4 SE was on dellortos as was my old twincam 7 -doeelortos are much easier to keep tuned
Also how can one find out if plus2 S is the std 118 bhp small vavle spec or the 130 big valve spec -where would this be dcoumented or can it be traced from the VIN number

Even Lotus probably won’t know the numbers produced with each carb version.

The +2S has the small valve engine, the +2S130/4 and +2S130/5 have the big valve engines.

There might be a letter stamped in the circular raised boss in the spark plug well.

If it’s stamped N (it might look like a Z) then its a big valve engine, if it’s any other letter then post it back here and someone (maybe even me) can look it up in the appropriate reference book

Your engine number prefix letter is also useful for determining the original engine spec.

Ok thanks for this

Chassis - 0539L7 100C
Engine P28248

Can you tell from this info ?
i’m assuming its small valve

Has anyone out there ever seen a plus 2S on dellortos rather than weber 40s ?

According to the Miles Wilkins book on the twin cam (page 180-183) a “P” prefix means:

Engine type/Market : Big valve Weber Domestic (i.e. UK) emissions spec
Application/Year: +2S 130 late 1970
Head stamp: “N” i.e. high compression and big valves
Camshafts: “D” i.e. Sprint type (2 groove)
Cam cover: Black ribbed

Don’t take all that as gospel because the engine on my sprint has an “N” prefix and according to that list it should have Webers but it’s been on Dellortos from day 1.

Your engine might have had a head swap though if you can’t see the stamp, the only sure fire way though is to remove it and measure the inlet valves.

Yep everyday when I walk out of my house and look at mine :slight_smile:

Are there any small valve heads that also have the N? I thought the N was specific to the big valve heads.

To my eyes the Dellortos look to be very similar in operation to the Webers. I know most people prefer the webers though. I’d be interested to know why?

Me too with a +2S130/5 on Dellortos, very happy with them too…though only in my second year of ownership.
I’m used to rattly Triumphs with SU’s and Strombergs, so thank god there hasn’t been any adjustment needed!

Dellortos on a +2s130 ('73)…
Work well apart from a bit of hesitation sometimes

“To my eyes the Dellortos look to be very similar in operation to the Webers. I know most people prefer the webers though. I’d be interested to know why?”

In Australia at least Webers have been historically preferred because of , brand recognition, easier spare part availability and greater knowledge about them at dyno tuning shops and the like. Personally I believe the Dellortos are a nicer made carb and I have them on my Plus 2 and Esprit. But I have stayed with Webers on the Elan due to race regulations.

In practice the differences are small and make no signficant difference in real world performance or reliability or ease of setup when comparing a later model Weber with a similar Dellorto.


My car is known form new and came with dellortoes. I am very happy with them. Just got the car going after being untouched for 2 years and it ticked over from first start!

Both my plus 2’s have had d’ellortos. First one a 73 +2s 130/5 and my current one a 72 +2s 130/5.
Reckon Lotus used D’ellorto’s when they had an argument about cost and delivery of Weber’s at the time.

I rember way back in the early 70’s the market was flooded with 40 dcoe’s, reputedly from Lotus. Don’t know why but I bought a few pairs for peanuts.
This might account for the Dellorto change around this time

Thanks for clearing that up for me. I’ve certainly had no real complaints from my Dellorto’s although I’m certain they’re not setup to their full potential. Certainly too rich at idle for starters. Whilst there is a wealth of info on tuning and setting up Webers is there a difinitive book on the Dellortos?


I bought “How to build and power tune Weber and Dellorto DCOE, DCO/SP & DHLA carburettors” from ebay. Author is Des Hammill. Published by Veloce. ISBN 1-903706-75-0.

I have the third edition. I’ve found the book to be very informative, and the tune up procedure worked a treat with my own Dellorto carbs.


I’ll be using this trade on the way…
I’m currently rebuilding the engine on my +2 130s. The engine is not the original that came with the car, and has been replaced about 10 years ago. How can I tell if this is a big valve engine?
Liad Orr


You can tell what the head was orginally from the letter stamped on the boss at the front of the well next to spark plug 1.

What valves it has now you will not know until you pull it apart and check the seat and valve head diameter as many standard heads have had big valves installed over their life. You can measure the cam lift which is the real difference between the heads using vernier calipers buy pulling the cam cover.


Ah thanks Sean,

I’ll be sure to keep a look out for a copy :slight_smile:

In the Lotus supplement by Autosport of October 1971, there is a discussion about the fitment of Dellortos to the Europa and of course Dellortos were fitted to the Europa twincam from late 1971. Therefore Dellorto was a supplier to the factory by then. An Elan service bulletin was issued on 9 June 1972 detailing the specification of Dellorto carbs. So Dellortos must have been fitted to Elans in the factory in May 1972, or earlier. I assume the factory used up what Webers they had before fitting Dellorto as standard to Sprints and Plus 2?s.

Apparently Dellorto had been quicker and more willing than Weber to change their designs to comply to new European regulations. They may also have been cheaper than Webers too. Or Lotus may have fallen behind in their payments to Weber, who refused to make any further supplies!
