Plus 2 Rear Dampers TTR what setting?

As part of my rebuild I fitted the Tony Thompson Racing bespoke damper unit … able-fast/
I’m just in the process of fitting the rear interior, specifically rear parcel shelf/rear seat back, but first I need to set the damper adjustment. Has anyone used these units and if so what settings did you use for normal road use?

I’ve got the TTR ‘fast road’ units and I’ve only just barely driven my car at low speed, but I read somewhere (in this forum?) that you should set the rear full-soft initially and see how it feels, then firm it up a bit if needed. But in my short, low-speed runs the soft rear feels pretty good.

OK, thanks and I presume anti-clockwise sets them to soft?

I don’t recall, but can check before too long. I may also still have the documentation from them lying about somewhere in the garage.

Thanks that would be helpful, I never got any documentation with mine. I did try ‘adjusting’ one tonight. I thought it would click as I rotated it, but it just seemed to keep turning, no clicks.

‘Can confirm,’ as they say in Letterkenny, that at least on mine the anti-clockwise direction is the way that goes to the soft end. I can’t say whether your race-types are the same or even if the same manufacturer supplies them to TTR, but the road ones I have take a 5/16" socket to adjust and a little plastic cap that fits the hex was supplied with them.

Difficult to tell, but if they’re the Koni top adjust units like on my S3, there’s no clicks, they only adjust via the top “Nib” with either a plastic knob that fits on the top, or a pair of pliers. Full adjustment is only about 2 turns, I adjusted mine to full soft yesterday, and you adjust them clockwise to soften, anti clock to stiffen.

Thanks, so the jury is out on which way to turn them, I’ll try phoning TTR today and see if they can advise.

Well it took three phone calls to TTR and conversations with three separate people before they could confirm that the adjusters can be rotated 6 full 360 degree revolutions from fully soft soft (anti-clockwise) to hard (clockwise). They suggested one revolution from fully soft as a good starting point.

Not the same as mine then…
I have the TTR sheet in the history file that def says the inserts are Koni, and to soften it’s definitely turn clockwise, with only 1.75 turns from full hard to full soft.

Quite honestly TTR seemed not to know what they had sold me, they insisted that the adjuster ‘clicked’ and that three clicks from fully anti-clockwise was the setting I should use. I pointed out that there were no clicks on my units just a resistance when turned so how should I set them. They said they had looked at two units from their stock and they clicked. I went away to confirm that my units did 6 complete rotations and no clicks. Phoned them back and the next guy confirmed that the unit he was looking at was the same as mine, ie six turns and no clicks. Then another bloke said I should set them to plus one turn, I pointed out that this was contrary to what I had been told previously, so then another chap phoned me back and started talking clicks again, I frankly got pretty P’d off and was of the opinion that at least two of the people had no idea what they were talking about and were making it up as they went along.

I have the 82 red Koni series (82R 1371 at the rear) and iirc CCW = softer, as per their video (I had an instruction sheet, though can’t locate it right now) - it says full range is about 5 turns …

edit: how long ago did you get them from TTR? I sort of recall that at some point they were modifying Konis (e.g. inserting a spacer for droop limiting)… in any case, what I would do would be to try manually full CW and full CCW to see if the difference can confirm CCW is full soft.

I bought them 2 years ago, although car has not turned a wheel yet as I’ve be doing a full restoration and yes mine did need to have a spacer fitted. I never got any instructions for the fears but did for the front units.

These were bought from TTR by the PO in 2010 or thereabouts . He bought the fronts, (which are the click type), but the rears are Koni TOP ADJUSTABLES, not those where you turn the body.
I had the same rears on my hillclimb car in around 2005/6. I also had a set on the front of my early 911 a few years later.
They are adjusted with a plastic knob (rather like a radio control knob), that fits over a Nib on the very top of the shocker that pokes through, just under the rear parcel shelf. You can easily adjust them by removing the grommet in the parcel shelf, and turn the “nib” with either the plastic knob, or a pair of pliers, so definitely not the same as yours.