Plus 2 hinge studs

I managed to break a couple of studs for the door hinges on removal.

Does anyone know a supplier for new ones or else what the spec is for the studs so that I can obtain generic replacements - I can see there are two types with one slightly longer with a longer plain shank?



Getting the remains out of the hinge is hard, you’ll probably have to drill and tap, if you have the gear, you could weld up the hole and drill and tap a clean thread.

I’ve made up a stud from a bolt, cut the head off and run a die down the shank to put the thread on. I suspect the any high tensile bolt is easily strong enough in this application.

Are the studs listed in the parts manual?

The bolt encoding system includes encoding for studs. I’ve never found any studs in the manual when I’ve looked but you might get lucky.

Can,t remeber the exact size but they will be UNC or UNF thread any good nut & bolt supplier will have them if you can take a bolt/stud to them they should be able to match them.

Thanks chaps,

5/16 unf

I have a stash of manifold studs from an A series - these are perfect for the short ones but not the longer ones. Push comes to shove I can cut a bolt and use that - the plain bit of the shank is not important given they run through an oversize hole to permit adjustment of the door.

Fortunately the 3 recalcitrant studs sheared at the nut face so I have plenty sticking out to get a hold of - judicious use of map or oxy on the hinge body should have them out without needing to drill and re tap the bodies…fingers crossed :wink:

I,ve always found a good soak in deisel usually works

I think I found MGB exhaust studs were the correct thread at each end and very close to correct length including the shank… I’ll try to find my notes /receipt.

the hinge itself was not in stock with quite a few UK suppliers around 9 months ago, so hopefully yours will tap out ok. I also found some differences in the plastic bushes from a couple of suppliers with the Sue Miller ones being the tighter fit …