Plus 2 Carpet Fastener Locations

Before too long I’ll be putting new carpets into the car. The problem is that the old ones were discarded five years ago, and in the intervening time I’ve stuck a bunch of insulation all over the vertical surfaces of the interiour. This is a problem because the new carpets didn’t come with fasteners, which I bought separately. And since they didn’t come affixed to the new carpets and all the screw-holes are winder the insulation that is stuck-on with a copious amount 3M Trim Adhesive, I don’t know where the fasteners are supposed to go! :blush:

I can sort of guess where some of them could go, but could anybody give me the definite locations?

I may be wrong (it happens more frequently these days), but I think that the only carpet pieces held down by snaps are the four floor pieces with finished edges. I don’t know how precise the mount locations were but here are the hole locations on my car for the passenger side.

The driver’s side pattern is pretty much a mirror image.

You should be able to locate the holes from under the car unless you filled them. They may even have the sheet nuts still bonded in place. If not I can get you some measurements for the locations.

PS: I like your color choice :wink:

Thanks Bud!

Photos of my spare set of Lotus supplied carpets. Jim