Piston Head thread

As we have had a fare amount of controversy in some threads and other forums are not immune to the same,here is a link to a Piston Head thread that may interest some.
pistonheads.com/gassing/topic.as … 0&nmt=Elan values

Most of the controversy on this forum is due to the nature of its audience that is a world wide group of owners and enthusiasts. The fact that English is spoken predominately here and has many different connotations through out the different areas of the world and that although read the same by all mean something entirely different depending on where you are from. This is one of the reasons I started the topic on introducing ones self in “free Parking”, it helps everyone know who is who and what kind of background we bring along with our ideas to this forum. Those that do not think its important will not be understood as well, as we can’t normally figure out any tone or voice inflection even with those smiley face icons. To know folks in person and then to read there words helps you understand, not only what they are writing but what the writing actually means.


p.s. I just figured that dusty and John where puting in there place markers for later when they had a bit more time to introduce themselves. :slight_smile:

Thanks Brian, an interesting read.

At least it is getting the Elan some airtime on a larger forum than ours and that’s not a bad thing. I don’t really follow the PistonHeads site apart from the classifieds. Nothing like a bit of lively debate!


:smiley: - I’ll get to it at some stage… :blush:

Hi Dusty

I hope you will get around to it some day. Just as I am sure that Brian and Tim can find the time. I know most everyone on the forum has a real life to deal with and the fomalities of introducing one’s self are not at the top of any ones list.


I thought it was a pretty constructive debate on the Pistonheads forum?beats insurance and tyre choice! I?d forgotten about the old Strombergs icing up, but they certainly did. I very nearly met my maker due to this problem in a chums car.

There?s a lot of the old prejudice coming out regarding the 5 speed box and Plus 2 electrics. Why only the Plus 2? And as for the chassis being designed for the Elite to ?cut costs??.what a strange notion. I was re-reading Robin Read?s great book last week and he thought that the fold-along-the-dotted-lines chassis designed for the Elan was made for ?10 a go?not bad!

I?m off to a meeting tonight in Bath where Robin is guest speaker, which should be an interesting view on the early Cheshunt days. Anybody else going?


They certainly do! The Sunday before last I had an early start for a job near the O2 in London. Being early and a Sunday I thought I’d risk taking the Elan (Stromberg S4) through London traffic and set off for a 50 mile drive on the M40 at about 5.00am. Within about 10 -12 miles I could feel the first signs of icing. Not enough to stop the engine but I’ve experienced it often enough to recognise it. Only 10 days before I was watching the temperature needle climbing towards the stop in 30c temps in France. Quite a narrow ideal climate window this year!

On the subject of Stromberg icing, anyone found any way to alleviate it? I’ve considered things like petrol additives (yet another - I’m already adding octane boost and lead replacement stuff), electrically heating the carbs (not really a runner with the original dynamo during the winter - but now that I’ve fitted an alternator?), feeding hot air into the air filter (didn’t work last time I tried - about 15 yrs ago). Any suggestions considered.


Back in the 70s it was suggested to me to use Cleaveland Discol petrol , it had a small amount of alcohol added this was supposed to adhere to the water vapour and reduce the icing up. I never tried it as I did not have that much of a problem so I dont know if it was a load of horlicks`. Perhaps someone can veryify if adding pure alcohol would be of any benefit, I am referring to the fuel tank by the way.

Regards John.