Petrol puddle mystery

Hello , me again, having become paranoid about oil leaks I’ve began to check under the car quite a bit.
Today I found that there was a small petrol puddle under the outlet of one of the breather hoses. The small puddle seemed thicker than normal petrol but was petrol due to the stink!
How can this possibly happen when the pipes go up round the headlining? I went out yesterday ,no hard cornering though , although it has been quite hot here 30 degrees?


Ooops…earlier post sent without reading yours properly!

Is the petrol coming out the breather or just in the general area?

Had my petrol tank out a while ago to change the diff mounts.

Put everything back and 'business as usual…till a mate spotted petrol on the road nder the back of my car on a (normal?) wet day!

We seartched around and found that when I’d put the tank back in the Rubber eblow between the filler neck and teh tank was not on as well as it should be and when the car was near full, or on hard cornering, petrol wa ‘pouring’ out there.

Then pooling on the boot floor before heading out a drain hole I had (luckily) put in teh boot.


Another possibilty is that with the 30C teh petrol is vaporising and expanding out the breathers quite quickly? (Maybe condensing in the evenings to allow a small drip?)


Its the breather that comes out under the the sill at the back , from the petrol tank. I have one side blocked up and a reducer (olive oil drizzler) in the side that dripped

Very weird???



Read your original post and changed my reply above :slight_smile:

Terry, the petrol will breath and then condense through the “breathers.” You effectively have a (distillation) column, so what comes out the pipes is not the same as what went in the filler.


I actually felt a drip on my drizzler (Fnah Fnah) and the small wet patch was directly under my drizzler (Fnah Fnah)
So I think you may be right, the garage does get quite hot so perhaps condensing fumes maybe the answer , none today anyway only the normal amount of oil(!!!)

All the best

PS have a good holiday!

Thanks - I think that’s the answer. Very weird as I’ve not had it before
Too busy on last post with my “double entendres”
