Has anyone used the Pertronix digital rev limiter with a Smith’s RVI tach?
I currently have a Pertronix igniter electronic ignition and flamethrower coil. I have never upgraded from the original Smith’s RVI tach and don’t seem to have a problem, unlike my experience with Lumenition. I am now planning to add Pertronix’s digital rev limiter and am just wondering if anyone is currently running this combination and if they wired it per the instructions (white from ignition to rev limiter instead of coil).
Thanks, Dan
Hi Dan,
Not sure if this will help but I am using this rev limiter on an autocross elan. It is being used with a standard points setup and coil. The tach is an after market autometer which is a far better option than the smith unit.
It works well with no issues. I see no reason it will not work with your setup and I would install as shown on the directions. We did have the limiter on my sons +2 with the original tach and pertronix
ignition and it worked for that also.
Best of luck
Mark, Thanks. The instructions made me nervous when they mentioned it should work with most tachs, and knowing the problems that a lot of people seem to have with the RVI tach and petronix, I figured, ask the question, better safe than sorry. Dan
I just tried to install the rev limiter and the car won’t start. Ground seems fine. I’m thinking the problem is that the white wire from the tach (and ignition) goes to the rev limiter instead of the coil. Is this how your’s is wired?
Thanks, Dan
It’s sounding like I need to leave the tach/ignition attached to coil, and not use the white wire or the orange wire. Just attach the red to the coil positive, yellow to coil negative and ground the black. Dan
My electronic rev limiter is a different make, and not yet wired in due to other electrical problems.
However, it only has 3 wires - one to coil +ve, one to coil -ve, and one to earth.
As you said !
I looked at the Elan last night and it is wired as follows. Red is connected to a switched ignition feed or input side of coil. Yellow is attched to the negative side of coil or one that connects to the distributor. Black is connected to ground. I am using the white on this one and it is attached to drive my tach which is a non standard unit, it is an Autometer. Everything operates as it should.
I did not find the hookup notes from my son’s +2, but am sure we just left the white fro the rev limiter unhooked.
By the weekend I should be able to fire up the Elan and unhook the white to make sure it still operates properly, so stay tuned. Have the carbs of fixing an oil leak. I know hard to believe an TC with an oil leak!
I have tested the wiring and happy to report it was as I discribed earlier, white is not needed from the rev limiter. I am presently driving an Autometer tach with that lead and with it disconnected everything works fine. I adjusted the limiter down to 1800 rpm and ran engine to test. When it got to that speed it just stayed and ran rough. Working as it should.
Good luck and thought I would toss in a pictures of the car.