Pertronics ignition requires 3-ohm resistance

Pertronics ignition module recommends a greater than 3- ohm resistance at the coil hookup. My coil has 0… is there a way to connect a resistor in line at the coil?


Yes you need a ballast resistor or replace the coil with a ballasted one.

If you look in the workshop manual I think you would find that the car originally had a ballast resistor but most people now use a ballasted coil.

Hope this helps


what do you mean 0? if you disconnect all the wires and measure the resistance between the + and - terminals it is normally at least 1 ohm even on electronic ign coils. check it again! you are right about pertronix,3 ohm ideal on 4cylinder. (usually standard points ign coils are 3 ohm.)

I checked across the coil + & - and found 0 resistance. I will check again and will add a ballast resistor to the coil.

You may have a shorted coil. There should be some measurable resistance; no coil reads 0 ohms.

Is your meter capable of reading these very low resistances (digital Fluke meter, etc.)?

If your car runs ok i.e. you current ignition coil etc is ok then connect the ignitor up as per the diagram and it will run fine. no ballast.
