Perspex side windows - views please

I have a 72 Sprint which I have been dismantling ready for a paint job

When I took off the doors I was surprised how heavy they were

The main weight culprit being the electric window motor and the glass

When the door is stripped it is very light

My question is

Has anyone ditched the electric windows and fitted perspex wind-up or even fixed perspex with sliding vents

I am not building a original show car - I want something that is smart but a car I can enjoy to the full !!

Thanks in advance

Chris (taken over the project from son James who has defected to Porsche Cayman)

Chris, what am I missing here? …why would glass windows and an electric motor detract from Quote “a car I can enjoy to the full” ?
O.K. its a little more weight but unless you are going racing where every ounce counts, why would you want to take a step back in time?
You could always buy an S1/2 (no electric motors) and fit perspex windows but I fail to see the point …please enlighten me :confused:
I’m sure someone could produce a spread sheet to show the advantages :laughing: but even with that I wouldn’t get it :unamused:

I had to smile when I saw this interchange. There are some people who are interested in making changes, either smaller or larger. And there are many (most?) others who maintain the car is perfectly satisfactory the way it is. It is very enjoyable to see a well maintained perfectly stock and period correct car. And it is also interesting to look at various modifications, talk to the owners, and understand the reasons and results behind the modifications.

I have been on both sides of this issue during the years. For years, I enjoyed the convenience of electric windows, a working heater, etc.

But as to a spreadsheet that can be used to model some aspects of changes that can be made, look at:

While the weight savings of the windows by themselves may not turn your car into a pocket rocket, there are many, many opportunities to save weight here and there that eventually add up to something respectable.

Gary Anderson may be our resident guru on weight savings, since he has gotten his car into the 1200 lb range at one time.

It is too bad we do not have a section on weight saving techniques where everybody who has added lightness can write up what they did, even with pictures and part numbers. There may be conflicts between some techniques, but it would make for interesting reading.

Gary set up another user group devoted to Elan modifications

It would be nice to have that site organized like, with different areas in which to post.

And, tongue in cheek, when you install the light weight windows, do not forget to remove the rain gutters and mount the windows flush to the body and windshield to minimize aerodynamic drag.

1968 36/7988

I think building a light weight road racer could be quite an interesting project but to do it properly you would need to start from scratch with Tony Thompsons light weight bodies etc and then add the bare minimum of items.
Removing servo and carpets is an easy cheap way to save weight.

A very general/basic calculation. My standard Sprint needs to shed 5.5 kg to liberate 1.5bhp

Therefore being only a lightweight 10 stone I reckon I have 4bhp advantage over some of you.


:smiley: Thanks for the replies

I am not looking to get more performance from the weight saving. I agree if that was the aim I should use lightweight panels from TT

I saw some pictures some time ago (can’t find then now) with an elan with perspex windows (with sliding vents) - I thought it looked good so hence my question to see if this was common mod.

I have no strong feelings either way - my electric motors work ok so keeping the car standard here is no problem

Just seeking views - thanks
