Hi Jim,
I’m in the UK on Fibre BB and supposedly 56mb/s as minimum. W10 Pro using Chrome browser.
Page 1 - Loads in a few seconds (4-5 ?) and readable but on Chrome it’s still loading after all the thumbnail images are showing. I guess that’s loading full size images in the background ? Click on Details (random) and that page comes up very quickly, not instant but only a second or two
What is odd is that going back (Chrome back arrow) to the main page the thumbnails have now turned into larger images, presumably full size ? Checking details on another random car and that also loads instantly and returning this time stays with larger images. I guess that’s how you want it to show up and the thumbnails on the first visit are whilst it’s loading ?
Trying the same page in Opera it’s nothing like as smooth. First time loading is about the same, if anything slightly faster but still with thumbnails. . When it first starts loading it’s almost as if the first image is trying to load full size, decides it’s not a game and then goes to thumbnails bringing the rest up very quickly.
Displaying details is fine, using the back arrow to return is similar to Chrome with full size images but for some reason on my PC it seems to be redrawing itself somehow for several seconds after initial loading.
I realise that’s not much help but I’m not familiar with Opera, I only use it to check my own website displays as intended so it might be something I’m doing with the settings ?
The second trial page is a much better user experience, loads very fast with thumbnails initially, check details and then back to the main page with larger sized images. Clean/slicker on both Chrome & Opera.
Odd things I didn’t understand… (all Chrome Browser)
Load up first trial, flick about and apart from the thumbnails at the start, it works ok. Click the Refresh button and something odd happens. It’s almost as if it’s trying to load a different page, realises and then refreshes the original.
I was watching the images and for a few seconds I got a crashed white Elan come up, the page scrolled and when I went back, it wasn’t there. I repeated it a few times and on my PC at least there’s something adrift here.
Click on page 1, details of a car and it’s fine. Move to Page 2 (upside down pic of green elan
) and it’s fine. Click on “refresh” and it flicks to a 1974 +2 as the first record before bouncing back to the first page with the white elan.
Now this might just be because you didn’t intend us to move from the first page and hence it’s not set up yet, but if you did expect this to be the final version I think somehow the browser is losing where it should be on the website when it tries to refresh.
As for which is best, I would think the second trial with 10 records displaying will be more user friendly if only because it loads faster. I suspect anyone on a slower BB speed would notice a significant difference between that and the first (25 car) page.