Pedal questions

Just uprated the front brakes on my Sprint to +2 calipers etc.
Now the brake lights do not work, and there is significantly less pedal travel than before. Is this an adjustment issue on the brake switch?

In looking (while in pain) noticed there is no adjustment stop plate behind the accelerator pedal arm. Can anyone tell me where to source one. Or post a picture for one I can copy? Failing all else, can anyone tell me the size of thread that screws into the boss on the back of the arm?

At least I can then begin to get things moving whilst I wait for my back to mend (again).

Funny how the pain seems to disappear when I’m out driving …


Hi Stuart,
The thottle stop is just a 5/16 UNC bolt and lock nut screwed into the bottom of the pedal - well at least it is on my car.
The brake light switch plunger might be stuck in or a wire off.