Party In Indy Saturday Before The Us Grand Prix

Since the US Grand Prix is only a month away, it’s that time of year for the annual Indianapolis F1 gathering…

Looks like the race is on June 20th so I am going to have a gathering at my place on Saturday the 19th of June. Much like the years prior, I am opening my place for all the Lotus people in town for the race. It will start at 3PM and go on until the
last person leaves. There is no need to bring anything as I will provide everything…

I have hired someone to cater the party… They are coming down from Chicago and it will be a Vienna theme (we don’t get Chicago style dogs
‘Vienna’ in Indy)… Burgers, dogs, Italian beef, etc… I will also provide the appetizers, beer, wine, and whatever else needed as well…

Sunday we can all hook up for the Lotus Ltd. Car Corral at the F1 race. I hope you guys can make it… :slight_smile:

My home address for the gathering is:
12021 Millen Drive
Fishers, IN 46038

See you in June! Please RSVP.

Young Kim

(317)507-3463 (Cell)
Email: [email protected]