I have just bought my first Elan (a 69 S4) as a box of bits.
I got the workshop manual with the car, but would like a parts list (and especially the exploded parts diagrams) preferably as a .pdf file.
Does anyone have one on a machine that I can download?
PS I guess I will be asking lots of basic questions in the next few months (or years!) - watch this space!
The earlier parts book covering the S1 S2 and Coupe models that is long out of print is available as a pdf though. Most of the mechanical bits are common to the S4 but there are quite a few differences on bodywork/trim/electrics
Bruce — I just about finished my ?lan which arrived in boxes and bits- 2 1/2 YEARS AGO ------keep at it ----make a list of things to do and stick to it --it makes the job easier -one job at a time -rather than look at the big picture -and get discouraged good luck ed
Thanks Ed. I am at the stage where I am not sure what should be on the list never mind which order!!!
My thought is prepare the body first (and then leave it to dry for a while), then do the rolling chassis and drive train and finally the trim. Does that sound like a sensible order?
Then there are some nice questions to ponder. How original do I try and make it? I like cars which are clean underneath so am thinking of (hand) painting inside and underneath the shell - very non Lotus!
How about powder coating or painting silver bits like suspension, drive shafts etc.
I guess I need to start examining some Elans in DETAIL!
[quote=“Bruce Crowthorne”]
I have just bought my first Elan (a 69 S4) as
I got the workshop manual with the car, but would like a parts list (and especially the exploded parts diagrams) preferably as a .pdf file.
Does anyone have one on a machine that I can download?quote]
Hey Bruce, are you the same Bruce I took to see an S3 Elan a friend of mine is selling in Bracknell? if you are you know where I live and I have a parts list you can have a look at.
Yes I am the same one!
Finally managed to get the right DHC.
At the stage where I am just forming a plan for the rebuild and actively seeking advice on all sorts of things…
I would like to take you up on your offer of a look at your parts list, although I have lost your contact details. Can you email me at bruce.orr(at)btinternet.com?
I would really appreciate a look at your Elan as well.
Re the factory Parts book - I think you’ll find that it covers 62 to 73, not 62 to 63 - I expect B&C’s listing is a typo… it can’t have been an 036 number in 63, can it? Tony
Re the factory Parts book - I think you’ll find that it covers 62 to 73, not 62 to 63 - I expect B&C’s listing is a typo… it can’t have been an 036 number in 63, can it?
Yes it is a typo, the old “26” parts book was superceded by the 36 (it also covers the type 45’s as well) Basically everything Elan except the +2
Even though the later parts book effectively covers the earlier cars it is far less comprehensive than the S1/S2/Coupe one that I posted the link to as that one has a lot of cross references to the suppliers part numbers.
You might consider going to the Lotus parts fair at Stoneleigh near Coventry 13th Nov I think.
Go and meet Susan Miller she will be there, she is most knowlegable and helpful in getting bits and pieces you require, she has a parts list as well.
Plus there should be a few more Elan’s to look at.
P.S. don’t forget your camera, it is most useful at a later date if you take some photo’s.
I have taken a few dozen photos of my Elan, a 1970’s S4 FHC, as I have taken it apart. Although there is a long way to go, a lot of the images are of the car complete and show loom positions, relay locations etc etc. You are welcome to a copy of them - I suggest you let me have your address by PM and I will send you a CD with them on (they are quite large). Else I hope to be at Stoneleigh and we could meet up there.
I have also sent to your personnel email address a copy of Sue Miller’s Elan catalogue - I’m sure she will not mind! You can also obtain online catalogues from the leading suppliers.