Parts "cross-reference"?

I know there’s a bunch of Ford bits (primarily engine/gearbox), but I’m sure I remember things like: The front bumper on the +2 is from the Ford Anglia. Were things like front glass on Elans and +2’s made for them exclusively, or units from other mfg. company accomodated into Chapman’s designs? I know Norton MC gastank lids are adadptable to our cars, and later exterior/interior doorhandles were from MGB/Leyland… Spitfire trunions on Elans… +2 front turn-signal assemblies from Austin Princess (maybe)? Anyone know of a good list of cross-referenced items?

Golden Gates Lotus cross reference

I have been thinking about this just lately too

There must be some scope for sourcing parts from the appropriate classic part suppliers (Triumph bits may be cheaper than Lotus :wink:

I would take care with the list on GGLC, just a quick look and I have noticed errors
EG The steering rack is not BMC but is Triumph with lock stops added.

I am also pretty sure the front uprights are not Spitfire, they have strengthening webs on the inside of them. Are they GT6/Vitesse?

It would be good to know where the more obscure parts come from … S4 eyeball air vents for example?

Perhaps this would be a useful resource on

We could all contribute our discoveries.


I forgot to say …

Yes I’m pretty sure the +2 front bumper is upside down 105E Anglia. Rear bumper was made up using RileyElf/WolseleyHornet ends with an extra bit added in the middle.

I think the original +2 Screen and chrome surround came from Ford Classic Capri, not sure about the later bonded in ones though.

heh…and Ithink the earlier Elan side “vents” came from a pile of old DeHavilland aircraft bits! B)

So who’s the local DeHavilland dealer then? :smiley:

I think the Comet’s been outta production a bit longer than our Elans… but if there’s a stockist about, he’s gonna be closer to you than to me ;-}

De Haviland local dealer- if you are in Canada try
Ed Zalesky had a whole Mosquito for sale until recently but I guess he has loads of parts left!!


I would be happy to correct or add to the GGLC Elan Xref.

That list is NOT rigid. Please send your updates or corrections to me at [email protected].

The list has been compiled from Elan owners like yourselves over the past 25+ years. Things change and new info is found/collected, but we can’t possibly maintain the list without your help.

GGLC Webmaster

Well, to begin with: I know this is the case with S-2, S-3’s:

Been there, done that. Used the Triumph “rebuild” kits on my S-3.

Are there parts that you cannot find? anyone…

Plus 2 bumper references changed.
Rack reference corrected to TR.




Club Lotus in the UK used to produce a good list of “what came from where”… I have a copy somewhere for the baby Elan so could email it to anybody interested or you could just ask Club Lotus.


Just so you know…

S3 Elan door handle that mounts on the frame… 1970s Rover boot (one sthat had teh spare there) like teh old police cars

Eyeball vents old rover p5 … but just as expensive…

Original Black plastic Washer jets… well that would be telling!

Looks like the front vertical links are GT6 (?Vitesse) Ball joints and trunnions are common across the range.

I thought the eyeball vents were something like Rover I supose it means there is more of a chance of these things cropping up at a general autojumble (I assume they are no longer manufactured?)

Going back to the Triumph rack I have just discovered that the rack on my S4 is an unmodified Triumph rack but it’s in good nick, so I’m not keen to throw it away. Does anyone know what the lock stops consist of? I’d like to add them myself :wink:


Elan boot hinges are Hillman Imp (as were the original drive couplings) but they are now readily available and not expensive so I suppose it is just of academic interest or a fact to bore your mates with :smiley:


Maybe this is something that the Lotus Owners Club or Lotus Drivers Club could take up direct with Lotus. I’m sure that this information must be in their archives. I know they want to sell new cars but surely they’d be just as interested in helping to keep the old one’s on the road.
If a comprehensive list was compiled it could possibly be added as a download on

I know I would like to see a cross-reference list for the +2.


Yes, the rack on my S2 Elan is from a Spitfire; I replaced it with one from a Mk III several years ago since mine was rather worn - the steering stop spacers are just tubular pieces of aluminum which slip over the rack inside the inner tie rod ends, and they are different lengths side to side. Something like 17mm & 21mm, though those aren’t the sizes! Also the tie rods are about 1" longer than the Spitfire ones, so you need the Lotus ones. The only differences I could find in the racks was that there were a couple of vent holes in the Spitfire rack that weren’t on the Lotus one, both racks were from '65 cars.
[email protected]

[b]QUOTE[/b] (Colin Thatcher @ Apr 5 2004, 12:47 PM)

I know I would like to see a cross-reference list for the +2.


Again the Golden Gate Lotus Club is pleased to be able to offer a cross reference list for the Elan and Elan+2. See and go to the “Parts” section.

We will update both lists with your feedback. Send a message to [email protected] and the lists will get updated.

We’ll continue to keep these lists available for the Lotus community as we believe they are of value to the enthusiasts. Membership is not required to access these lists and other content on the GGLC website, we do hope that it will encourage you to join and support our continuing efforts (sorry blatant plug…).

GGLC Webmaster

Mmm that’s interesting Dave. I assume mine must have had the tie rods changed because the rack was on the car and the tracking wasn’t that far out :laughing:

I think if I can’t get the actual dimensions of the lock stops an experiment with hose clips or something similar is in order. All I’ve got to do is stop the wheels rubbing in the arches!

The vent holes were probably just one of those things that disappeared at some point in the history of Triumph racks. I don’t think I’ve ever noticed them but most of the racks I’ve had have been later than '65

