Hi Guys,
Fitted the lift this weekend and it looks fine. I had a little panic when installing. It looked big! I was not too sure it would fit. But it did. The idea looks to be a good one and is the answer to my parking/storage problems, and of course will be great for working on the car.
Some pics to follow when I get them…
Alex B… 
what kind of lift did you get? I have been thinking of doing to same. Of course, in the US it’ll be some other brands, but wanted to know what your thought process was for an Elan. Did you get a 4 post electric?
This was the brand that I was thinking about, specifically Mechanix as it would fit best in my garage. Heard about them through another poster awhile back, can 't remember who it was.
It is a 4 post electro hydraulic ramp. Designed and sold by Intern BV Holland. www.internbv.nl Look at the video… 
I bought it during the classic car show at the NEC in November this year.
Easy to install. Very complete kit (even included the grease) Very heavy build quality (Made in China) All in all very happy with it. I have both my soft top cars in the now double garage.
and spent an hour or so footering / wiping / polishing the underside of the Elan this PM.

Couple of pics for you…
Alex B…
Hi Alex
What are the requirements of the concrete base that the ramp (presumably) bolts to?
Believe it or not, the ones I’ve looked at in the US here, can be fitted with wheels and pushed around in the shop fairly easily (based on the video on their website). Dan
I guess that the 4 post lifts are free standing and don’t require anything to bolt to. The 2 posters require a fair depth of concrete to bolt to, otherwise they collapse inwards with the weight of the car. I’ve seen it happen, with a Jag on the lift…very messy, and it took a lot of work to untangle!
No Bolts guys. It is free standing. You can bolt it down but it is not required. It came with a big set of casters/wheels for wheeling it around from place to place. Shows this on the firms web site video. They move it around then lift a Range Rover and park a Jag E type below. It will lift 3K Kgs… 3 metric tons. 
I have it sat directly onto the concrete floor which from memory is around 4 ‘’ thick. If I have any problems with the floor I will cut out 4 sq holes and put in 12’’ thick ‘pads’ for it to sit on. I don’t think this will be required though.
Bloody marvellous! Wish I had bought it b4 now!
Alex B… 
Alex i bought one about the same time as you super bit of kit but Intern had put the price up & it was plus VAT not inc. as previously advertised i ordered from a company called MAS at Liverpool for ?1620.
Hi All,
Ian, Was your price delivered? I paid 1770 GBP including delivery. I thought that was ok.
1600 odd sounds better though.
Well happy with it though. Its great. :smiley:
Alex i went to the show with the intention of ordering from Intern made a bee line for their stand & they wanted about ?2200+ inc delivery & Vat beat them down to ?2150 as a show offer but i was a bit peaved as there adverts were mid ?1600 all in. I had sptted the other people in practical classics & the price did include delivery but you got a good deal from Intern. Only downside was there was no forklift on the delivery truck we had to dismantle on the lorry but for ?500 less so what. It appears to be the same lift made in china shipped via the USA where they are really cheap we are paying for the carriage in our prices but really pleased with it
Hi Guys,
I spoke to them (Intern) re’ the advert stating 1620GBP inc’ delivery and vat, after I had placed my order. They were a bit peed off with the advert still being run, which they swore was a mistake. At the NEC show I bought it at 1620 + delivery. I managed to get it ex vat (It can be done legally).
I am very glad I did it that way due to the little forklift on the delivery truck!
It was a bloody heavy item. Lifting the runway with the hydraulic cyl etc took some doing ( I used my engine crane)
Took three guys to put it together… 
It is great though eh?
Dan, Jeff, etc,
I have the Eagle Equipment 4 post lift, although only the 6000 lb version which was all that was available more than a decade ago. I have owned it for almost 12 years. No problems whatsoever and I love it. Well, one problem, … I knocked off the little red button on the pump that you push to raise the lift. I wooden pencil works just fine.
I use mine not only for storage of a vehicle and for vehicle maintenance, but also as a tool. Last month while starting the restoration of my latest S2 SE, I raised the lift, pushed the S2 under the lift after I had disconnected everything needed to remove the frame, put a couple of tie down straps on each ramp and hooked the tie down ends to the four wheel wells. Hit the button and the body raised off the frame with ease.
In the past, I would have garnered 4 or 5 friends along with some refreshments, then lifted and carried off the body shell. Now my friends and I are much older, most have back issues, etc., …but they still came over to watch, and enjoy the refreshments. !!!
Aw man… I just knew there was another reason for buying the ramp. Just think of the possibilities
Brilliant Idea!!
Anyone like to buy an engine hoist for e.g. 
I have made up a jack tool for the want of a better discription! Fits neatly between the jack points at the rear, across the car and clear of the frame,topped with rubber pads. It allows me to jack the full rear end of the car whilst on the ramp. Off with the wheels then onto the axle stands, placed below the threaded parts of the hubs (Onto rubber pads on the stands). Nut back on stops the stands from migrating anywhere. Solid! Great access and no strain on the driveshafts (Spider)
I am doing the same with a small hyd’ jack for the front. Two pads again, each under the front sus’ uprights, then onto the stands as per’ the rear.
Brilliant Idea!!
Alex, Can you take a picture of how you lift the rear end and where your jacking points are?Thanks. Dan
Just under the bodywork. In front of the rear wheels.I have a pc of 3’’ x about 1.5’’ section steel rect’. With ‘pads welded onto it to position just where the strongest part of the body is.The pads(rubber covered) keep the body of the jack ‘adaptor thingie’ clear of the exhaust and the chassis. It stretches the width of the car. Scissor jack below that and up she goes. I am also trying to design/make a jig to lift one side at a time. Either under the susp’ strut, if I can reach it, Or safely under the A frame as near to the wheel as poss’. Without damaging anything. Not got there yet! Still scratching my head!! I want to lift the wheel clear without straining my driveshafts (Spider ones still have do’nts. 1 each side)
Working on it!!! 
I will take a pic or two when I get back home…
Alex B…