

I have some areas of bare fibreglass in the nosecone on my plus 2 ( I dripped petrol on it and it peeled the paint :blush: )

I was thinking of slapping some Hammerite satin black on but do I need to prime before I paint?

I would make sure the surface is clean and rough, using either sandpaper or steel wool. This will also remove any persistent wax.

I painted the innards of my Europa with Rustoleum flat black (lying around the garage, but I did want to assure the fiberglass would not rust) :wink: a few years back using this method over the bare fiberglass and it is holding up quite well. Adhesion is certainly no worse than for the properly prepped and primed 2-pack on the other side of the same panels. :frowning:

Yes, I think the hammerite will be ample rust protection :laughing:

Sounds like bad news with the 2 pack?

