Painting Fibreglass

I have fibreglassed the inside the wheel arches. I now want to paint the surface before applying stone guard.

The surface is still tacky. Is there any preparation I should do before applying the paint?

If it the fiberglass you have applied that is sticky, a thorough wipedown with acetone will work.

Not sure if this will help but I have just put “Stone Chip” on mine and it was not entirely successful :frowning:

I cleaned the glass roughened it with P80 grit and used a plastic adhesion promoter (belt and braces) prior to the stone chip but it is clear that it is not entirely happy and has reacted a bit in places (particularly over fresh resin).

With hindsight I think it would probably have been better to put a coat of 2-pack primer on prior to the stone chip coating.

A bitumen schutz type underseal will go over virtually anything but I prefer “Stone Chip” because it has a better finish and is overpaintable. My favourite product (UK) is U-Pol Gravitex.

Agreed about the acetone for the tackiness or just wait a few days and then use a bit of abrasive paper

be very careful with applying waxoyl bitumen to the raw fibre in your arch, if the resin is damaged (likely) the solvent in the waxoyl will ‘wick’ into the matting…

Thanks for the advice.

I have been away for a week (sorry fo the delay in replying). Now I am back it doesn’t appear to be particularly sticky.

I will try the 2 pack primer as the paint that was on there before hadn’t stuck particularly well.

I agree with the comments about “stone chip” - That is the stuff that I meant. I also prefer the finish.



:stuck_out_tongue: Hello -This may be a little late but last year I fibre glassed my pond. This remained sticky until I covered it with gel coat. This starves the fibre glass of oxygen and then goes rock hard.
You should be able to get hold of gelcaot and hardener from a boat yard of specialist.

Hi all

I don’t know how much gel coat costs but if expensive try using 2 pack polyester spray filler (which is gel coat really), don’t thin it just brush on. Costs about ?10 a litre.
Sticks like **** to a blanket!
