Painting An Elan (+2)

I’m thinking about painting my +2 and wondered if anyone has any advice?

Since I lack the competence to do it myself, I’ll definitely have it done by a shop here in CA.

It seems like I’ve got a few choices on paint type and I’m hoping someone can describe the pros/cons of each.

<1> Enamel
<2> Urethane
<3> Base Coat/Clear Coat

Although <3> perhaps yields a ‘glossier’ finish, it’s my understanding that either <1> or <2> are more ‘period’ types of paint jobs.

Also, does anyone know where I can find pictures of some of the Lotus colors? There is a great description here but no samples to see…

Thanks again!

I’d of said you’d be best off using one of the waterbased 2 pack paints, over a undercoat of a filler/etch type primer. I’m not sure if it’s known under the same description in the US !? it’s rare these days to use a clear over base unless your using a metallic or some other clever photochromatic paint.


If you intend to pay a professional to paint your car just make sure you find someone who has experience painting fiberglass cars (A Corvette specialist perhaps)

I like originality but have to say the modern 2-pack paints are much more durable, less prone to shrinkage and hold a good finish much longer than good old cellulose. You do not need to use clear over base however direct gloss 2-pack will give you an equally good finish when polished

Wayne… you may be surprised to hear that lots of modern cars have clear over base systems on them even if they appear to be a solid colour (ie not metallic or pearl)

hi im a panel beater sprayer if you need the body look right email me, if you want info how too diy dito.