Oxygen sensor

Smiths has a o2 sensor they will calibrate to which ever o2 sensor/sender


I would consider installing for cruising as it seems one maybe doesn?t alway notice fueling issues at speed and noise level. Same reason for tyre pressure monitor, low coolant, brake…dummie lights.

A few of my cars simply use led lights. As yellow is 1.3 green 1.4 blue 1.5v. Maybe that?s to cheap looking for lotus?

I have one of the aem gauges on my car. Quite an easily job and not much more expensive than buying a color tune.

I had bung welded into main exhaust pipe in gearbox area and route the cable up through the gear stick cut out. Under the tunnel and up the dash. Then the gauge I have fitted in the clock hole.

The down side is the gauge is dam ugly for a classic car. My longer term plan is to stick the internals into a broken clock, so you can see if theogony the face when running but can’t see it when turned off.

Now there’s a thing , back lit working clock showing rich,stoich,lean…

John :wink:

That would be a thing but won’t happen. Will be a none working clock…

I disconnect the battery when not on use so clock is pretty worthless.