Oversteer or understeer

Finally got 'round to using the +2 on a dayly basis!
(spent too much time in the garage having bit changed)
anyhow, driving through the country lanes on a daily basis is begining to give me a real feeling for how the +2 drives.
My question is what sort of handling characteristics should a well set up +2 have?
At the moment the back end seems to be very well stuck with the ride being neutral tending to understeer in the wet…
(This is quite different to the other RWD cars I have had that have always tended to Oversteer)

Not so sure about the +2 but what describe sums up my S4. However plenty of right foot out of a corner will get oversteer.

The understeer can be dialed out with a stiffer antiroll bar and/or spring damer changes. I find the mild understeer the best option for road driving.

Thats good to know…
I was a bit supprised when it understeered first, the cars I had before used to hang the tail out at any provocation, which made it interesting on roundabouts…
A little understeer is a more reasonable thing…

To dial in less understeer, increase REAR roll stiffness. This will make the front end have better grip.

Steve B