My plus 2 has an electric cooling fan and the engine was rebuilt (both ends) only a year (and 18,000 miles ago!).
After behaving itself very well indeed over the last year, including standing in lengthy queues of traffic for long periods, a week ago the car overheated.
The cooling fan bullet connectors had fallen off, so I re-connected and replaced one of them. The cooling fan now works fine and cuts in at the right temperature.
The trouble is about 30 minutes after the car has started running from cold the temperature starts rising and rising and I have to stop.
The car does not appear to leak water - I’ve run radweld around the system just in case. When the temperature rises there still appears to be enough water in the system.
I’ve topped it up and run the engine enough to believe there are no airlocks.
The oil looks fine - no sign of water there.
Does this sound like a water pump?