Outside Mirrors

Still battling with outside rear view mirrors. One or two? Door, fender(wing?) or above and behind the Elan badging? I have an old 4" bullet mirror and the size does not look bad to me, so I would go with new 4" mirrors. Lots of traffic dictates mirrors. I do have one of those little Autobahn (?) rectangular parabolic mirrors stuck to the windshield and it is usable, just too tiny.

Mike Geiger

If you decide to go with fender mirrors, be careful where you decide to put them!

On my S2, I carefully positioned a pair of bullet mirrors just where I wanted them; when I drilled the holes, I found I had positioned them squarely above the top bar of the steel reinforcement frames - on both sides! I would have just drilled and tapped the bars, but there is a gap between the fiberglass and the steel, and trying to drill and tap a round bar wasn’t attractive. I used RivNuts for the mounting screws, as there was just enough room for them.

Once they were mounted, I found they didn’t have enough range of adjustment to cover the area behind the car, so I had to compromise and set them to cover the lane to the left/right, and rely on the inside mirror for tha view behind - there is a pretty big blind spot on both sides, but I’m in the habit of looking over my shoulder before changing lanes, so it’s not too much of a problem. Some day I’ll take the mirrors apart and see if I can do a bit of grinding to get more adjustment.

If I were to do it again, I’d either mount the mirrors on the door, or farther forward on the fenders, clear of the steel bars.

I have the bullet style (Talbot) mirrors, mounted on the doors, as far forward as possible. They look fine, but the passenger side one is nearly useless, due to lack of adjustment.

The car had fender mounted units on it when I bought it, but they did not look right, even though they were functionally better than what I have now.

I have seen cars with just one mirror, and did not care for the look.

Hello All;
I have Talbot Junior mirrors on both doors of my S4 FHC. I applied stick-on convex mirrors over the talbot mirror to increase field of view. Makes a big improvement.
Phil Mitchell, Cupertino CA. USA


Do they vibrate much, if any? Do they seem like they are going to rip themselves off when you close the door? Did you fasten them with nuts and bolts or simply sheet metal screws. I don’t really like drilling holes in my car and as such want to be very sure I will like the results. Apologies for so many questions.

Mike G

Hello, I’ve decided two little convex mirrors mounted additionally side by side above the rear view mirror tucked into the windshield frame is the answer. I have no exterior mirrors and this seems to work fine. However, I sorely miss my driver’s side mirror but ALWAYS look over my shoulder anyway for EXPEDITIONS, EXCURSIONS, EXPLORERERS, EX EX EX…


The Talbots are fastened using german nutserts that my VW mechanic recommended. Need a special tool to install themThey hold the mirrors firm with no vibration. We didn’t have to open up the door panel as the nutserts were installed from the outside and covered by the mirrors.

My Talbots are of the type designed for fiberglass applications, they have a “U” shaped bolt plate which is installed from inside the outer door skin. It gives more support to the mirror, and holds it steady. I have had them on for 20 years, no cracks, no vibration.

Don’t bother, just just turn your head.
Means you get exercise too!

'67 S3 FHC

Hi Mike
I?m also looking for some mirrors and some good place to attach them to
Thinking of something like this picture from www.holden.co.uk



Ps please let me know what You decide Ds

Yep. That’s what I have been looking at, except I am planning to go with 4" (101.6 mm) dia. E-bay has 4" ones somewhat frequently, but none the week! I like the ones you found as the aluminum being lighter should be easier on the fiberglass. Many have said that the 90 mm look better, but give too little viewing area, especially the far side mirror. I would like a convex far side, but the only ones I have seen are the $200 Talbots. Everything else is flat. I had also thought about Miata (MX-5) mirrors. They can be had in electric remote control and convex far side, but decided they do not look at all period and therefore VERY out of place (door sill angle may also be off). I will keep you posted.

Mike Geiger

I’ve got one Sebring Mach I (yeah, the original type with the metal body) mounted on the drivers door. I’ve had cars with mirrors on the fenders but it seems their field of vision is very small. With the mirror on the door, you’re half way to turning your head, anyway!

Hmmm absolute logic just kills me :slight_smile: My only poor rational is my daily driver has two mirrors. I am so accustomed to seeing what?s beside/behind me by just glancing left and right I find myself changing lanes without the benefit of ever really seeing if anything is there. My solution may be to simply drive the car more and get used to it. I am also a little concerned about attracting law enforcement, as I believe one outside mirror is required here in the US.

Mike Geiger

…hopefully our police have better things to do than count mirrors on thirty five year old British cars…

When quota is due at the end of the month anything goes.

You may be right, but techinically/legally, except for seatbelts, whatever was standard equipment during year of production is probably enough. Safety wise and aesthetically, an outside mirror on the driver’s door is probably best but still I drive mostly in the city without one and “always” turn / glance back, both ways.
Another solution is to drive fast enough to stay ahead of ------------e v e r y b o d y

Therein lies a question. When did the U.S. require an outside rearview mirror? This car came from the Bahamas and I guess was configured for their requirements (if any) as it has no outside mirrors, nor did it have any holes, filled or otherwise.

Mike G

My S4 has a little square overtaking mirror that just clamps on to the window frame. So no drilling and easy to take off for shows. It works well, does not vibrate and give a pretty good view of behind. The car came with it already fitted but I have seen them advertised in all the classic mags.

Solution, if it came from the Bahamas and is original, holes are a mistake, try the exterior clamp on mirror or those two little convex stick ons I mentioned…
I’m working on when exterior mirrors were required, guessing 1968, and will follow up.

I also fitted one of the small rectangular mirrors which clip to the window frame on the drivers side. It’s great, works well and best of all you don’t have to make holes in your bodywork. so if you change your mind…