Original Minilites

I have a set of original minilites which are still running tubes. I need to change all the tyres as they have all perished. Does anyone have recommendation for a tubeless valve or have the dimensions of the valve hole?

Thanks, Steven

I run original magnesium minilites on my mini and use standard bolt in tubless valves.
Can you not run them?

That’s the plan although when I search eBay and the likes there seems to be different sizes. I was hoping someone knew the dia to save me stripping one down and measuring.



It’s normal practice where you buy and get the Tyres fitted they put new Valves. In the total price and also balance the Wheels.

Alan, the standard rubber valves won’t fit the minilite as the wall is much thicker. It will need to be a valve with an adjustable shaft I’m just not sure on the dia. Thanks, Steven

maybe it’s easier to continue with Tubes like before.

Look under Bolt in tyre valves

I use these :
tyrebaydirect.com/product/5 … al-valves/

Thanks for this. I’ve ordered some this afternoon.

Thanks, Steven