Opinions please..

Chassis mods…

                I have a notion of modifying the small section X member that runs below the sump, to allow its removal if required. Proper job. It would be as strong as was. Allowing removal of the sump now n then I recon' would have huge advantages. Much easier to remove engine for eg..

               What think you guys. Make it removable?...  Or not?

               Thanks in advance for answers..  I value your opinions.


Hi There

If you’re talking about the channel section which is adjacent to the anti roll bar mountings, that’s already removable on the Plus 2 as standard (at least it is on mine). If it’s ok in this application a can see no reson why it shouldn’t be ok for the Elan.


OK! Thanks Andy…


Alex, its a handy mod and makes life easier particularly if you want to take the engine out because you are bored :slight_smile: …but how many times to you want to take it out? :unamused:
Lotus did it as standard on the plus2…but maybe they expected the plus 2 engines to be removed more often then the two seater Elan… :laughing: :laughing:
I think it depends on how much you are into originality, I have done it on my Sprint and S2 but it was more to do with necessity then for the sake of it, the chassis was repaired on the S2 and it was a logical step because of this, the Sprint was done due to accessibility issues with the exhaust system but I would not have done it otherwise, I have a new chassis for the S2 which I may or may not fit but I don’t think I would do the mod just for the sake of it and that is not because I am stickler for originality as both cars have have alternators and solid driveshaft’s on one of them, but thats just my opinion.
There was a guy selling them on the forum a few years ago made in stainless steel I believe and in retrospect I should have bought some…save me messing about.

Thanks… I was thinking that the engine out say …Once a month would suffice? This would give me a chance to polish the inside of the bellhousing and wipe the flies off the tranny tunnel. :smiley:

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: Just kidding…

No real neg’s so far. … I have just mounted a new blade in My 'lecy hacksaw…


Alex… :sunglasses:

Hello guys,
Does anyone have any views on poss’ detrimental effect on value with this ‘mod’. Do you think it will be a bad idea car value wise?

:confused: Awaiting replies with hacksaw/grinder in hand. Will I? Wont I?.. :unamused:


Hi Alex

I doubt it will affect the value greatly. Obviously if you were trying to sell to an originality nut they may have doubts or try to to knock something off the price.

I suspect there are worse things you could do to your car that would affect the price!


Just what I was thinking Tim. This is a part which could be re-instated if need be & I suspect should have no detrimental effect.

Some might even see it as an advantage. I am going to do this methinks…

I have now plugged in the saw! :wink:

Anyone else?? Any def’ don’t do this because…



…and another advantage would be easier access with the paint brush :laughing: :laughing:

WHOOO!..just thought you will of course have to inform your insurance you have made major modifications to the integral structure of the car! :unamused: :unamused:

Alex…No wait! To late…

Just kidding. In fact the chassis made today are very often constructed with the cross member removeable. I bought 2 such chassis in the past year with this add on…or is it take off.


Thanks men, Still no neg’s… Any min Now!!.. :wink:



My advice to a fellow Elan.netter was to buy the crossmember and location pieces from Spyder. Fit/weld it on the chassis, then cut the old one off. A proper engineeering job that you will appreciate.

He did this and is well pleased with the result.

If you want I will PM his contact address.

Thanks Brian, I might take you up on that.

As I am Unlikly to do anything before I visit the classic show in November. I am going to wait to speak with Andy at spyder.

I have a plan for the way I would do this Involving welding onto the existing x brace stubs (after removal of said item, I intended leaving around 40 mm stubs both sides) A section of steel (approx 20mm x 10mm) made to fit up inside the ‘U’ channel (both sides). These would be bored and tapped to take 2x8mm dia setscrews. The brace itself would be countersunk bored to give 2 fastners each side. Re attachment would be by 2 x 8mm dia s/s countersunk allan setscrews trimmed to exact length required.

I recond this would be a good solution also. If any doubt some more welding etc would be done to the brace to give the required strength.

I will keep you posted though Brian. I will no doubt take some pic’s as I go along.

Happy days…

Very many thanks to all for taking the time to advise me with this. It is much appreciated.



Do it,then you’ll be able to drop your sump and admire your mains and big ends without removing the engine…

John :wink:

Thanks John,
Looks like a def’ ‘job to be done then’ Its now on the list.


Alex. :wink:

If you really want to admire your big end it can be done without removing the engine.

You have to slide the sump forwards under the vacuum reservoir and at the same time get the rear cut-out over the crank bearing cap. It was very close and probably depends on the condition of the engine mounts.
