I started out just intending to renew the valve-springs - after 14 years off, and with 2 of them squashed the whole time, I thought they could use it. Then I noticed that the timing sprockets and chain were worn, that the valve guides, valves and seats needed renewing. Then I found out how tricky it is to do that. Then I found the crack in my radiator that needs brazing, and the bottom hose that was worn out. Then I thought it’d be good to put a new type oil pump on, oh and a fuel pump blanking plate so the unused mech fuel pump could be dismounted. Then I realised that all the timing sprockets would be worn and need replacing. Then I found out that I need to remove the sump and front cover to access the jack shaft and crank sprockets. Then I found out that the chassis cross member (Spyder) and anti-roll bars need to be moved first…
So, I’m lying under my machine wondering what to undo first, when I realise that there is loads of oil leaking out throught the clutch bell housing and the speedo cable housing - something else to do. Then I notice that to get the sump off, I need to remove the starter motor. Then I thought while it was off I could renew the oil-soaked power cables to the starter, and the earth braid on the other engine mounting, oh and they need renewing too. Then I realised that I hadn’t yet removed anything without discovering something else in need of correction before I replace it. AND THATS WHEN IT HAPPENED!
I realised that my simple valve spring renewal was leading up to a TOTAL engine, clutch and gearbox rebuild! But I don’t want to do a full engine rebuild! I haven’t got the time, the money or the space. And I’m moving house in a month’s time! Aaaarrrggghhh…
So, there is now a line in the sand. NOTHING ELSE IS COMING OFF! When the cylinder head comes back from the machine shop, its all going back together with those new parts I can fit without removing anything else.
Then I’ll plan the next move properly…and whisk the engine out and do it all properly at the moment of my choosing, and not be led to oblivion by the machine.
Sorry, to rant. I feel so much better now…