Oil presure gauge feed

Hi All,

I?m in the final stages of rebuilding my ?73 Elan and I?ve been trying to figure out where the oil pressure gauge pipe should run. i.e. where should it pass through the bulkhead?

I would appreciate any help/pictures



Greg, you dont say if it is a Left or Right hand drive and I think they are different, here is a couple of pics of my U.K. Sprint (rhd) and you will see it comes through the bulkhead just below the solinoid.(the oil pipe is the one with a black plastic sleeve over it)

Hi Greg
This drawing should help, most of the stuff is the same for LHD or RHD except the speedometer cable and steering column hole.


The photo below is a S2 firewall and not exactly the same as the S4 but a lot of it is close. The drawing was done from a S4 as stated on the drawing

Hi Brian

maybe I should put my signature back on and add to it RHD or LHD



Gary is correct. Below solenoid regardless of steering wheel position.

Hmmm. On my LHD S2, the oil pressure feed goes through the firewall on the left side, above the control box and just outboard of the wiring loom - where Gary has the battery feed. (My battery cable is where he has the oil pressure line.) The exact location may have been shifted over the decades, but it has always been on that side as far as I know.

flickr.com/photos/16638375@N … 202952079/


Hi Neil

I converted your link into an image here on elan.net. Right click on the photo and triple click on properties. Then right click and select copy and when you post reply on elan.net click on img box above the text area and insert the copied link in between.
works sweet :slight_smile:

p.s. - the drawing was done with both LHD and RHD Elans in my garage so when I converted the RHD to LHD I would remember where the stuff went. The hard part now is remembering where that scan of the drawing was filed. :smiley: When I can find stuff from 15 years ago

p.p.s. - I think we are all saying the same thing, Greg and others that come here for a bit of info to help with there problems should be gracious enough that each and every person that has tried to help a perfect stanger and took the time from there own busy lives so that someone that needed a bit of help could get his or her Elan/plus2 back on the road the way it was built. When I see those same folks back here looking around at the replies and not clicking on reply to just say “Thanks” is a statement of why its hard at times to keep trying to help :frowning: :confused:

Neil, thank you for your posts I appreciate them


Thank you all for responses.

I must Neil your Flickr page is fantastic.

Thanks again


Hi Gary

Failed at the triple click when I had a go from this end on a PC

Triple Clicking is probably dependant upon which Operating system your PC is using, and/or which browser.

All you need are the “Location” details of the image that can be found under the “properties” option, usually on a single right-button click when on the image. This entire line (starting with "http…) can then be selected & copied as a cut’n’paste as Gary advised.



Failed i’ll stick to the way that works for me
Have not got the time to waste got primer to rub down

Hi Greg

Glad that all of us could help. When I see “thanks”, I assume the question was answered. When there is another question, then I will answer that too if I can, and if there is more detail like S4 rhd with SE spec Stromberg head engine then I can say something that might be exactly what you are looking for. Details may be boring but the answer you get will likely be the one you need. When I see my Elan is broken, I just move along, but thats just me…
When there is no response I just don’t know

Hi Richard

Depends on how the mouse is set up too, but windows98 is getting a bit old now but then again it does mail and web so for dial up its OK.

Hi Neil
flickr.com/photos/16638375@N … 202952079/
I went to the failed link, that is url (i think) clicked on “all sizes” and then right clicked on the photo to get the properties.
which are
farm4.static.flickr.com/3499/376 … 7332_o.jpg

and then I did the image button

and got the following


Speaking of locations of various items under the bonnet… In reviewing many pictures over the past three years, the many locations of the coil is interesting. I moved mine from under the carbs, should the be a drip of fuel. However, the sparks generated by the distributor could still ignite any spurious vapors under the right conditions. Where did the coil originally mount?

Rob Walker

Thanks Gary have had a play in the test Zone

And have done it just need to remember how

Now i have got the hang of it here is another picture of the test tool (spot lamp bracket for the Cortina )

Open picture in Flicker,
Click on all sizes above picture
Grab picture url (2)
Return to Elan .net
Click on box img
Check that pointer is in the middle and paste
Well it is now


Hi Neil

I think its great, a couple lines of text and a photo tells everyone what you are trying to say. as they say “every picture tells a story don’t it”.


Soon Louis will be removing your photos :slight_smile:

Rob my S4 had the coil as per Gary’s photo underneath the carbs mounted on the inner fender. I like many other people moved my coil to the forward side of the radiator blanking plates. remember that I believe prior to the S4 that the radiator was full width so this was not an option for earlier cars.