Oil pressure start up

I has been two years or more, since the standard 151 Weber Twin Cam and close ratio gear box still on my engine/transmission test stand has been started. Local lad is having his gearbox rebuilt and I offered to test it.

Rolled out the test bed to the front of the shop, secured it with the wooded stops, installed an old long truck muffler to keep it quiet, checked water, oil level, brake and clutch levels, used the primer lever on the glass bowl pump to fill the Webers, charged the battery (needed a new one), pulled plugs, gave her a few quick turn overs with the Tilton gear reduction starter (not pre engaged) and the expected result: no oil pressure. Not a surprise. Wish the oil pump was fully submerged like on our Coventry Climax engines with almost instant 55 -60 psi. So, my usual procedure to remove the oil pump plate (three bolts), pack the voids with Vaseline, replace plate and with 4 or 5 more turn overs with the Tilton came the expected 45 psi. Yes, easy you, say as all is out in the open, but have done this many times with a TC in the car.

I constructed the wooden test stand to test the Ford Sierra/Grenada (Mekur over here) T9 5 speed gearboxes that Ian and I developed 20+ years ago for our Type 14 Coventry Climax engines. It is fully instrumented.

A brake disk, mounted on the end of the gearbox over a single brake caliper allows me to load the engines to 3000 -3500 before it shows red and glowing, even with a fan. Have a Glycerin filled gauge in the brake line and always fun to watch the psi when under full load.

Just a nice easy way to test engines for leaks, timing, carburation, watch the clutch action, test the gearbox shift movements and more, before installation.

If I knew how to post pictures, would do so, but can send them to any one interested or maybe some knowledgeable member can do this, if any demand.

02;00 and back to ebay for some stamps for my collection. ebay is now charging California tax to all buyers. Oh well, had a good run for two decades. Wonder what the state will do with the funds…probably not fix our horrible roadways.

Just sneezed on the keyboard, so, the remedy after cleanup will be some chocolate milk and a few glazed jelly filled donuts.

Cheers. Mike.

Nice work, though I didn?t know Y?all had donuts in the south.
Thought it was a Great White North thing, normally filled with bear fat.

Send me your pics, Mike, I’ll post them for you. Still have my email?

I would love to see pictures of the stand. Please send them to tvaccatlotusownersdotcom


Hi, Henry. Sadly, lost many address when the 1996 laptop died. Just pop me an email so my new 1998 laptop can communicate with you. Thanks for the help. Cheers. Mike at: mikeostrov “at” webtv.net

Mike wasnt happy with his photos and wanted to take some with a better camera, but here is 1 of the early ones he sent me.