Dear all
After refreshing the engine not that long ago ( re-shimmimg the inlet valve clearances and adjusting the crank end float ) on the run down to Stoneleigh was slightly worried by my indicated oil pressure dropping to a low of 10-15 psi, where as before it was a rock steady 50 dropping to 40 when hot…
So before dropping the sump again or taking the cam cover off (wondering if I’d forgotten to torque the main or cam nuts) decided to investigate by fitting an oil pressure gauge directly to the block which would prove/disprove the sender/gauge/voltage stabiliser,and yes,shortly after firing her up it dropped to 20 psi and then rose back to 40 and then upto 55 and stayed there…
Just need second opinions as my first thought is the pressure release valve?
Would the oil pressure release valve being steel where as the body is aluminium have any effect?
P.S. high capacity oil pump fitted as am running on high clearances as Colin preferred oil flow to oil pressure…
P.S Smilies not working.