Oil Pickup Olive

I thought I had the longer nut on my oil pickup tube, but it bottoms out and the pickup tube just flops around. So apparently I have the tube that requires the “Olive.” :angry:

Neither DBE nor R Dent have any in stock. Anyone know where to get one, or has anyone fabricated one and would you be willing to share the details?


I dont know where to get one from. Perhaps specialist old Ford Cortina and Anglia parts suppliers in the UK would have them. But I do have one in my spare parts I think and can dig it out and measure it up for you in a couple of days as it should not be to hard to make one.


Thanks, Rohan. I thought I posted a reply to this earlier. Probably fat-fingered the submit button. In any case, I got a PM with a picture and dimensions, so no need to dig yours out and measure it. Hope I got this to you before you went through the trouble.

Local machine shop is making one up for me.


No problem. I had been planning to look for it tonight ! I will dig out one of my spares in the next few days anyhow as I want to see if I can easily convert an early model screw in pickup to use the later model smaller diameter strainer as I have got my hands on a new sump baffle system made to suit the smaller diameter pickup and rather than modify the windage tray I will see how easy it is to modify the pickup.


I would be interested to see what this looks like or at least a thickness dimension?
There is a beveled seat in the block and flat end on pick up tube, at least presently.

Here is the “Cad” drawing and a couple of photos of the finished product.
Oil Pickup Olive.pdf (13.5 KB)

Thanks Tony, that is great.
I did not see one of those when I took it apart, hmm !?

Tony, have several made. They are hard to find and you might be able to help others in the future.

I’ve read that there are two different attachment nuts for the pancake style pickup tube. One was a little longer, and didn’t require the Olive. On mine, I can tighten the nut completely, and the pickup tube still swings around freely. If yours has a tight seal without the Olive, then you probably don’t need one. For reference, the nut for my pickup tube is 1/2” long.

The attached photo shows the two types of fixture with and without the olive plus the tab lock washer. The two small tabs lock on the block and the large one that has been flattened is bent up to lock on the nut.

Note the original olive had an extension that went into the tube. The tube end on the one without the olive is flared flat. The tube with the olive is flared to match the cone on the olive
