Oil Leak

Well I’m sure everyone is rolling their eyes with this subject line. :unamused:

This is a new one for me. After taking my S2 out for our weekly exercise, the last few times I have noticed a smear of oil on top of the dynamo- a number of large drops which from the location appear to be coming from above. I don’t see any evidence for a leak on the cam cover or manifold so I am mystified as to where it is coming from.

Anyone else experience this or have any ideas as to cause?



Dipstick.....that's not a comment but a suggestion...

John :wink:

Steve, I had this on my car and the reason may or may not help you … someone :blush: had fitted a bolt which was slightly too long into the front cover (the one which goes up into the cover above the dynamo). As a result it was bottoming out before it was tight and oil was leaking down the thread giving just the leak you describe. A shorter bolt cured the problem but not my embarrassment :exclamation:

I have a similar small leak that comes from a crack in the front cover next to the bolt that runs up into the head. I sealed it up with a smear of silicone and will get it welded next time the engine is out.


All good suggestions, thanks. I don’t think it is the bolt issue as all look standard and I have made sure the dipstick :wink: is well inserted (were these ever any good?), will check it after next weekend’s run.

Rohan, did the oil from the crack show up as large drops on your dynamo? I don’t see any cracks and don’t know how I would detect one if that was the culprit-


Yes it was drops on the alternator casing and on the alternator to engine block bracket.

The crack itself was very hard to see and i only found it by cleaning down the area and carefully examining the area with a mirror to see up around where the bolt goes into the head.
