Oil leak!

Hi - I drove my +2 back from work today, openned the garage, and noticed a HUGE patch of oil on the floor… I am used to the odd spot etc, but this was quite a bit, and not at all characteristic for my car. It’s almost as if some gasket etc has given up the ghost… Does anyone have any ideas/suggestions what might be the cause of such a sudden oil leak? Prssure/temps are fine - and it happened quite suddenly - I use the car every day, and it wasn’t there a day before…

Any views more than welcome… many thanks

The oil was there all the time - covered up by the car. You came home tonight before it got dark. Don’t worry.


  • engine oil , gear -oil, or diff.oil ???


:lol: … Or diff. engine oils ?!?
“Oil Engine Drip” 66’ FHC S3

it’s engine oil - If only it WAS there before…! the garage has a light and it wasn’t there yesterday! grrr… I can also smell a little of it burning as I drive along, but the levels and pressure are pretty good… ideas?

Sensible time, If you can smell it it’s likely to be nearside (UK) or below in airflow. Cam cover gasket can go fairly quickly if iffy sealent used (or not applied correctly) or front cover or dip stick. I think there was a post a little while ago suggesting “clean engine, place paper below car - locate drip”.

Good to hear you drive the car to work.


I have the same puzzle and crossed off the usual suspects.
Checked the cam cover. no issues.
Checked the breather pipe from head to carb box. no issues.
Checked the flex tube between head and block. no issues.
Checked the front cover. no issues
Checked the spin on filter mount. no issues.
Checked the sump bolts. Had to tighten several into spec.
Next check is to drop sump and check rear gasket. I can remove the
plate between the engine and transmission to check the rear seal. I sure hope it’s not the seal. My hunch is the rear pan gasket needs resealing.
Luckily the gasket set is $12 from Bean.
Phil Mitchell- San Jose CA.
69 S4 FHC

an oil leak ??? in an English car??? you must be joking!!! :laughing: ed

Now that my engine has been broken-in, I’m now getting a few drops of oil on the floor. Surprised that my new rebuilt engine would dare to leak, I asked my mechanic and he is going to add something to the oil that will show the leak with a special light. Sounds more like a brain scan. I’ll let you know how it works.


Phil, I’ll have one of those torque wrenches available in a week or two. I’ll let you know when I get it and we can check it out.

Is your car clean in the engine bay? If yes then you should be able to tell where the oil’s coming from. My guess from your puddling clue is a crank seal. Engine blow by out the weakest link is another top possibility which can coincidentaly solve the crank seal problem. Check by carefully taking the oil cap off at idle, does a whole bunch of air blow out?

There is a dye that they put into the oil and after a few days it shows where the leak is commong from whilst shinning an ultra violet light on it .

Also having issue with engine oild leak. Can anyone throw any idea as to where from. Cleaned engine down, replaced sump and cam cover gasket and all dry. As to spots under the car there are some scattered but feel it is where oil blows back and finds lowest points to drip. Not easy to see if seal leaking on pipe between head and block. Also what is expected oil usage on rebuilt engine having done 10k miles since full rebuild.
New owner to S4, love it to bits, want to find out more.

My engine has approx’ 10k miles since rebuild. Oil change every 3k miles and about .5 to .75 of a litre extra added between changes. My worst oil leaks were from the oil gallery plugs adjacent to exhaust outlets on the head.

Thanks for help. Trying to work out what oil being used but difficult with leak. Will now check your suggestion in the next week.

As Rob Capper did not come back and tell us if he found the source of his oil leak back in [size=200]2006[/size] presumably he still has it?

Chris Elan: might have been sensible to actually start a new thread about this one, or folks might start providing solutions to that problem rather than the Chris Elan 2012 oil leak. :smiley: