Hello everybody
I have bought recently a 1967 S3 SE DHC in UK. This car is equiped with a special oil gauge on the dash board. Of course, it does’t work well and I do prefer get a “normal” one.
Could somebody give me the measurement of one ?
overall Length,
length of the low level
length of level max,
Many Thank in advance.
I think you are refering to the oil dipstick ? if this is the case then the diamensions in mms (which I will get flack for) are :
total length = 470mm top to bottom
from bottom to low level = 18mm
from bottom to full = 37mm
from bottom to stop (stops dipstick going deeper in tube) =262mm
dia = 6.25mm
Ford part no. 105E 6752B although I think some have different part numbers.
All measurments as near as I can measure.
It is important to get the tube in the timing cover at the correct height but I forget the diamension (its in the w/shop manual) and will look it up if you need it.
Rgds Brian