oil dipstick tube Vs C40L Dynamo pulley

Whilst checking out the leak per my recent post, I actually did some constructive work.
I had researched the correct fan belt for my configuration, determined that I had to fit the belt with the dynamo bolts removed (Cant remember that being required in the dim and distant, ive owned the car since 1972!) however, belt fitted but… The dynamo fan pully passes extraordinarily close to the dip stick tube, mean impact to 2mm. By levering the dynamo body I can get ~ 5mm max, but being aware of over tightening wrecking the waterpump I’m wary of this level of brutality.
I bought the fan belt from SJS and ensured that it was intended for a Dynamo.
Any comments / suggestions would be welcome.

Hi Bob,
I just had a look at mine and I have about 4 mm clearance so with a brand new belt that has not yet run, yours sounds about right. It will quickly bed in once you run it and the clearance will increase as you re-adjust the belt tension.
Belts usually have the part number visible … it should be X026E0353Z for a dynamo.
As long as you do have clearance … albeit small … I would not worry, it will increase over time as the belt settles in.

All the best,

Thanks once again Roger. Thats reassuring.

Yes if it’s not touching it’s not touching!
I too find that the belt length makes installing very difficult.
It’s fine once on but getting it over the pulleys is hard work - I chose to loosen the water pump pulley rather than the dynamo.