oh deer

FWIW----I almost took the elan [26r s2 33] to my grand daughters first skate but was convinced to go in my wifes car ----heres what 80 kph does to car when a 150 pound deer jumps in front of the car -----deer 0 wife 1 --so keep an eye out ----ed

Oh Deer Indeed!. Lucky you weren’t in the Elan! Up my way the concern is MOOSE! My Elan, Classic Mini or the Catherham would not stack up to either Deer or Moose, keeps me on my toes. I use the Jeep a lot in the winter.


I think you got of lightly, looks like the deer went over the bonnet.

I hit a deer while driving a VW Golf (hire car!) in Austria in the early 1990s. I was going more slowly but maybe the car’s flatter front a shorter legged deer combined to do a lot more damage to the front of the car, it was drivable but it was a mess. Filling in an insurance claim in German was a challenge too!


how deer will the repairs be?

well the Uberfrau was driving and paying great attention to the hood ornament IN CASE IT GOT TOO FAR AHEAD OF THE CAR when the two deer appeared well ahead of us . I had time to say Deer-------she said ‘what do you want?’ - and BOOM - the deer was going like a line drive to right field for 100 yards – damage around 4000 bucks I think —and yes had it been the europa elan or super 7 there would be little humour in the incident -there was a big debate as to whether the police the department of highways or the wild life people got the carcass as a venison cook out is in the offing — ed

Ed, if it had antlers you could mount them on the bonnet (hood) of the Elan :laughing:

I thought about tying the carcass on the fender of the super 7 and driving through town for a bit --as is the custom for hunters in the area -but the fender wont take the weight - the rear right wheel gets off the ground --and there is just no room for the gun rack -so now I can rent her out for deer hunting season ----'git the car keys darlin -its deer season ----ed

I’ve seen a FHC Elan that has hit a deer. The bonnet/front valance was undamaged but the deer had impacted mid-screen and severed the windscreen pillars, allowing the roof to bend back like a banana, & then it popped back to the right shape ! Glasswear was history, obviously. The car was a right off- (shell) but didn’t look too badly damaged as a result. I think they were still waiting for all the crazing to come through.

The driver, apparently, survived unscathed by ducking.



you could have just done it with the head?

If there were any sort of grey hairs found anywhere on the car then you probably clobbered an old deer… :laughing: :laughing:

I hit a red deer once with the +2. The thing had the right idea and jumped the car just before impact. Took the mirror clean off my drivers door. Got off lightly. Repairs were not to deer. :laughing: :laughing:

I also hit a friggin big Hare with my Airplane at Glenrothes in Fife. Minced the thing with the prop. I got bottles of hair restorer for weeks!
Folk told stories… ‘Hare raising tails etc’ Of hare raising experiences! Went on for quite a while. Plane was undamaged but messy. You could not have a barbie with what was left of the big fast rabbit (not fast enough that day though!)…

Made a change from bird strikes (Which I never had thankfully)…

Have fun… & take care Ed… :confused:

Alex B… :sunglasses:

As I posted on this site earlier this month, while on my way to my HS reunion I hit a young buck. 100+ mile trip, hit the deer less than a mile from my destination in one of the most rural areas of Ohio.

These photos were taken by the ranger minutes after the incident. Broke one of my perfect Cibie H4 units. I had slowed enough that it landed on the front part of the bonnet and thats what flattened the radiator and bent the RH engine mount on the frame.

The next morning I found a sticky clear liquid and an abraded place on the right front corner of the hood(top) and realized the animal had been over my head. Just a little bit lower or a few more pounds of air pressure in the tires and I might not be writing this.
