It is Septemper! and finaly my +2 has reached the age of 35. It meens that i can registre the car as vintage, and safe a lot of money. I have the three eared spinners on my wheels. I will soon take the car thru the MOTtest and the spinners are not legal in denmark. I need some octogonal spinners for the testsession. I talked to Paul mattys (Clive) and they only have 3… I have browsed Ebay and no Lotus spinners there. My Question is: can i fit MGB spinners on a Lotus hub? it seems that they are cheep, and i will only use them for the test. I love the three eared ones, and i am willing to take a chance with the police in the future.
I have 4 octogonal spinners on my Sprint. You can lend them for the MOT. I live in Bagsv?rd north of Copenhagen, and you can call me on 28803588.
I have now ordered spinners from Paul Matty. (now they have all 4)
That was yesterday, tobad i saw these messages today…
leo! cool offer! I will call you soon, do you have the tool to tighten the spinners?