Non-emissions Stromberg Flange Adaptor

I am looking for a source of a non-emissions stromberg flange adaptor. This is the type with the balance tube. Any ideas?


72 Plus2

Are you in the USA?

I know of a number of Lotus parts dealers here in the UK who might stock such an item. I can post the phone numbers if you are interested.

BTW: It is the Lotus Show in a couple of weeks you might pick one up from there if you are in the UK. If not I could look for one for you.


I’m also looking for a pair of the adapters. I’m in the USA.

I emailed Susan Miller and she doesn’t have any.

If we have enough people who are interested, and someone who has access to a good machine shop, maybe we could have them made.



Do you want to look out for a set at the Lotus Show?

I am happy to mail them to you if you pay the costs of course :slight_smile:

Thanks steveww! That would be great if you could pick one up for me. I am in Canada. I will pay for the item and the shipping costs, of course.

I was going to try to order one from christopher neil if they stock them, but I will take my chances that you will find one cheaper at the show. Thanks for offering to do the leg work for me!

Looks like some other folks with federal cars are interested as well. I wonder how many you will find at the show???

If you find one, send me a private message and we will sort out the payment and shipping details.

Thanks again



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