Does anyone have a bracket from an alternator conversion kit, i.e JAE, RD Enterprises, or Dave Bean. Would appreciate any diagrams with dimensions and the wiring instructions. Hoping to fabricate one myself or is there any sources. Many Thanks
I have a bracket for a Lucas alternator which I plan to use one day. I can send you a photo and dimensions if you like.
i used the standard bracket ,cut off the rear lug on the bracket and moved it forward to suit then welded it back on ,a bit of zinc plate later it looks good ,ajusting bracket on the top is off a ford escort with a roller gear for ajustment with lock nut ( no need for a crow bar behind the alternater to hold it in place while you tighten it ) :blink:
I had a bracket made up using an original BDA mounting as a template.
The new bracket is bushed along it’s length and a plastic strap is used to mount onto the timing cover.
The timing cover has an additional strap onto the back of the timing cover to disperse the mounting load.
I dont ever envisage thrashing the engine that hard but the engineer who built the engine and fabricated the mounts assured me that once that Elise appeared in the rear view mirror…
I’ll post some photographs of the conversion in the next couple of days including some pics of his Escort BDA.
Happy motoring!