
well once every so often things go well --today I set the carbs up on 26R s2 33 and it drove like a good thing --embarrassed a blue 78 corvette in the twisty bits – ambient temp was 68 no humidity I could have driven until I fell out of the thing ------what a day – :laughing: --ed

Deep joy! It gives us all hope.
Glad you enjoyed your day.

Hi Ed,
Yes, sometimes I like nothing more than to beat up on a V8 - usually in a straight line. Lots of wheel spin and exhaust noise, though, so a rarity these days (the constabulary sometimes don’t see the funny side). Have to blow out the cobwebs every now and then…

BTW, I’m trying to figure out how to add a photo - here goes…

serious rear tires dude —nice car -----here they crush your car if the cop THINKS you were racing – 'yes officer it was a race car ----no officer there was only me on the road —you see a race is two or more cars officer —please dont shoot —:slight_smile: --ed