New site format

Re-New site Format
I am probably alone in this but I am sorry to say I struggling with the new format. I don’t quite know why but I have to say it is a jumbled up mess to me at the moment.
I have tried for the last few weeks to get my head around it but alas so far without a lot of success.
I used to enjoy coming on here every day but now I find myself avoiding doing this.
I realise that a massive amount of work has gone into this and maybe I will get used to it but sorry at the moment I don’t like it all and would like the old format back!


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Like any new website it takes time to get used to a new layout and where to look and where to click. I am getting comfortable with it but i do find a lot of clutter on the list of unread posts distracting

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Ditto, I’m relying on emails " new posts" , but then I am an old git…

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I find that I struggle with the new website on my phone but it is much more user friendly on my laptop. In the column of Categories on the LHS there is one at the top called ‘Topics’ and if it has a blue dot it means there are new posts to read. You also have to select the ‘Latest’ tab at the top. That is my goto at the moment, no doubt my familiarity with the new system will improve.

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“Latest” seems useful to scan across categories for new posts. But it does include categories whose posts I have already read.

“New” seems odd, as it only includes a few categories, not as many as “Latest” for instance.

What I want is to see what has been posted that I have not yet read, no matter what it is about, then I can choose, and the ones that I do not read do not show on the next iteration of the list.

Losta white space on the page–lucky I use a 27" monitor.

Because I am posting on this topic, I assume I will be involutarily subbed for email notifications of subsequent posts. I really really really want a global “off” for that.


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I struggled with adding photo’s but then found the paste instruction. Not sure about size limitations though?

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With this site you now have lots of options. Let’s discuss the options:

Left Navigation Column

You can click on the “hamburger” menu in the upper left to hide or see the column.

You can choose to have the column showing or not.

Default View

You get to choose your default view of the website. Do you just want to see the latest topics? This is the as the old “Active Topics” view.

  1. Go to your profile and select the Preferences options.

  2. Then select Interface. You can change your Default Home Page view.

  3. Click Save Changes at the Bottom of the Page.

Now, the homepage will look like this if you do both.

Things to Remember

  • Bold Topics have not been read.
  • Topics with blue dots have new posts to read.
  • Non-bold topics have been read.
  • The last visit red line shows what has happened since you were last logged in.
  • Once you read a pinned topic, it automagically becomes a regular topic.
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Hi Jeff,
Perhaps that is the problem. Maybe there are just too many options?


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The site has been up for a week. The site is uncomfortable. We are all building new neural pathways to use the site. It feels like brushing our teeth with the wrong hand.

In 30 to 40 days, you will probably look back at this thread and wonder what all the fuss was about.

I suggest going to the homepage and clicking on the Latest tab at the top. Close the left navigation and just read. This is the cleanest view of the website without any distractions.


The above is correct. The learning curve is a bit steep right now but will even out. I personally, am using the NEW tab when I see it. I am also going through each of the bold topics I see, even though it is a just a review of what I have seen before. I am actually enjoying clearing all the past/old topics. I go through the topics and when I am done with the rabbit hole, I hit Topics and it’s back to the start to look for more topics. It works for me.
Dan in NJ

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