New Rocker Switches

I have a small quantity of new rocker switches for my 1969 Elan +2 LHD Federal). The switches are close to the original but not exact.

If you are interested I will send files that show the differences and instructions on installing them.


Hi Bob,
are they the chrome type or later black plastic type?



Black plastic roker switches.


can you post some pics?

I will attempt to attach photos of the new switches. Pictured are the switch alone and the switches installed in my dash viewedd from the back.

I will make another atteempt to attach one photo.

Assuming from the picture what you have there is a centre bias single pole double throw as used for the electic windows ?
do you have any others types ?

What are you asking for each switch or for a selection to suit a +2S 130/5 and how much for postage to ireland ?
