New pistons needed

My big valve TC-block is undergoing restoration, and needs to be rebored.
I’m trying to find pistons at 83.65 mm, but it seems har to get them.

Must admit I haven’t got any reply from neither QED nor Burtin yet, but no other known sources can deliver.

Does anyone on this forum know of other sources I might try, to get the correct sized pistons and -rings?

Urgent, summer is coming fast ! ! !

part number 576-E-0836*

I believe that these are made by JE piston.


You could also try (if you haven’t already) Susan Miller… +44 1728603307.

Take care,

Pistons are now ordered from Burton - not the cheapest, but the quickest to reply…
Hopefully they arrive next week, so we can go ahead fixing the engine.

Thanks for your answers, folks, and have a nice weekend :sunglasses:

Hej Bjorn-Anders !

I was puzzled by the slow response you seemed to be having from QED and Burtons, I have been dealing with them for more years than I care to remember, and always had great service :frowning:

But then I checked out your piston the piston size. You say you require 83.65. As the std bore is 82.5, this seems to be an unusual 45 thou oversize. The std oversizes are 20, 30, and 40, with 50 and 60 for the rich and brave ! so maybe that caused the delay :slight_smile:

A Golden Rule I learned from my machine shop many years ago, don’t go ahead with the rebore until you have the required size pistons in your hands ! :blush:

Hope Spring has come to Guldbrandsdalen :mrgreen:


Hi Sean, nice hearing from you !
How’s Ireland ?
Spring is here, at least near Oslo where I live.
The family spent Easter vacation at the cabin in the mountains of Ringebu (mid Gudbrandsdalen), close to where you drove last summer - clearly no spring there…

It was the machine shop who woudn’t go ahead with the rebore until they were sure they could get the correct pistons.
Strange thing is, the garage doing the engine rebuild (who also held my Europa…) was totally unable to source corriect pistons… I sent mails to both Burton and QED, and they both had the correct pistons in stock…

As I am a bit unpatient, I ordered the pistons from Burton as soon as I got their reply. If I had waited until luch today, I could have ordered them from QED and saved close to ?100. But whatevere - moeny is ment for spending…

Give my regards to Eva, hope to see the two of you sometime.