New Owner With Lots Of Questions With Photo's

Picked up my 1972 Elan +2 130/4 yesterday, tried to buy this actual car 7 years ago but lost out so when I saw it advertised last weekend I had no choice but to buy it.

Unfortunately it meant a 1000 mile round trip to collect it!

The car needs a bit of fettling, but has a full MOT and is running fairly well. The chap who had it for the last 7 years has averaged less than 500 miles a year so a bit of use should help it.

First jobs are replacing the relay for the headlights and balancing the carbs, both of which the seller told me it needed.

Anyway now it’s home and safely locked up in the garage I have a few questions, I’ve tried the search but would like to know;

Engine oil capacity? I plan changing it to Valvoline VR1 20w50
Supplier for a front number plate letter? The type to attach to the mesh.
Fuel additives? Is it worth using the super unleaded for higher octane?

That will do for now, I’m sure I’ll have many more as time goes on.

Welcome aboard, car looks nice. Where are you located; there might be someone on the list near to you?
If you are asking about oil capacity this indicates that you do not have a workshop manual- get one, it’s a good read; the parts book is also useful.
You should be able to get the numbers/letters from Paul Matty or Sue (Mick) Miller.
I run on Shell Optimax (or whatever they call it now) and also chuck in some Castrol Valvemaster Plus, when I remember.

Thanks for the reply, I’m afraid it looks much better in the pics than in the flesh.

I’m just about half way between Dundee and Aberdeen.

Where’s the best place to get the manuals? Are they available as a download?

I got mine from Ebay - ?25, and it’s printed on “plasticky” paper, so great for oily fingers. Didn’t get the ring binder with it, but found one to fit at work. It’s huge by the way - think telephone directory, really handy to have. Item number on Ebay now is 300276677655.

Again, thanks for that. Duly ordered from Ebay.

Can anyone tell me the oil capacity? It would be nice to change the oil without having to wait for the manual to arrive.

I am also looking for a new carpet set, but will wait until the show in April. Hopefully I’ll be able to pick up a few bits and pieces.

I have a factory Lotus +2 workshop manual that i would part with. I have tried to PM you but this new format site drives me mad. Every time i go to PM or email it directs me to log in, even though i am. Aaaaaahhhh! If you are interested, give me a call 07905 963424.


The workshop manual gives the following capacities:
Engine sump (including filter) 7.5 pints (4 litres, 9 US pints)
Gearbox 1.75 pints (.99 litres, 2.1 US pints)
Rear Axle 2 pints (1.2 litres, 2.4 US pints)
Coolant (with heater) 14 pints (7.9 litres, 16.8 US pints)
Fuel 13 gallons (59 litres. 15.6 US gallons)

Sorry, already bought and paid for the Ebay manual.

4 litres for the engine oil, perfect. Hopefully pick up the oil and change through today.

There is no history with the car so will change fluid while I’m waiting on the insurance docs coming through.

Fully comp with breakdown cover was only 150 pounds with Footman James.

Hi 72 Elan. What is your name? I am just down the road a bit from you and i am willing to help if I can. I also had a manual you could have had for the taking but there you go. Another VERY good manual is Brian Buckland’s ‘Bible’. Aimed at the Elan rather than + 2 it still relates to everything Elan, and is very wothwhile having. Goes a bit deeper than the original book. Bit better detail. I can show you it sometime.

I have just finished a full restoration of Elan Sprint DHC… OYX 475L.

Good luck with your car. It brings back memories as I had 2 +2’s in the past … +2 Reg’… 1053K and +2S130/4 …Reg’ LMP413K. LMP was exactly the same colour as yours when I got it. I repainted it in JPS colours. Team Lotus were my hero’s at that time. Happy days… :smiley: :slight_smile: :frowning: :cry:

Still love the looks of that car. Always will…


Alex Black. 01383 (Dunfermline) 850139. :sunglasses:

Thanks for the offer.

Once I have some confidence in the car I’ll maybe come down to Fife and you can let me have your opinion.

It looks like I’ll need patience though, no Valvoline Vr1 20w50 to be had in Dundee anywhere. At least I got the oil filter!

Hi Again ?/ All,
Try Mike Stuart racing services at Erroll. He is on the old airfield. I have his tel’ number somewhere if you need it. He will get it in for you if none in stock (had none today). I am waiting for him to call me when he has it in. ‘‘a few days’’…

                 Alex B....    :sunglasses:

D&A tell me they will have it in next week. They were showing it on stock on the computer but couldn’t find it.

The chap I bought the car off advised me to get the carbs balanced. Any recommendations as to where to book it in?

Def’ the same guy. He runs various people in historic/classic sports racing classes all over the place. What he does not know aint worth knowing. Keeps a fair stock of jets, rebuild kits etc etc. If the carbs need a rebuild for example.

Mike is the man.

Alex B… :sunglasses: