New owner/restorer in Cardiff.

Hello all,
I have already said hello on the thread about my car (green engine fire sprint) being at auction and many of you have made me feel very welcome already, thank you for that.
My name is Ed and I live in Dinas Powys outside Cardiff, famous as in 1864 outside my local pub, nothing at all happened and things haven’t changed much since then.
For many years I have loved and restored old cars, mainly ubiquitous MG’s, Minis, and Jags.
I’ve also built a kit car or two which may even be more relevant to Elan ownership.
I am a bit of an anorak by nature and I actually enjoy trying to track down rare parts from strange people in mysterious places!
I have owned an Exige 350 for a spell but found it too big for the little roads I enjoy, this is my first but long awaited foray into classic Elan territory, and I must admit I am quite excited!
So hello from sunny south wales!
Please may I apologise for those ‘same old same old’ questions due to my inefficiency at using my computer, and thank you in advance for all the wisdom and camaraderie which this web site has shown (I have skirted the outer limits for a while trying to glean a thing or two.
Kind regards

Welcome Ed!

Welcome Ed.

Most of the questions you have will already have been asked and answered, there really is a wealth of information on this site. Members come and go, and in some cases the best information was posted years ago.

With all due respect and thanks to Jeff for keeping this site going, he doesn’t have Google’s $1.89 Trillion to support his search engine, so my first port of call if I have any questions is Google. If you type the following text into Google’s search bar, replacing ‘myquestion’ with whatever you are looking for, then Google will only search this site. myquestion

Good luck.

Nice one, thanks all.

Welcome. From an S4 owner - also in Cardiff!


Nice picture :smiley:

Welcome Ed!

Welcome Ed
That’s 3 Elans in Dinas now.

Own up, what’s yours?

I also have a mate Nigel near to me who is restoring a +2
We could start a splinter group!

Mine’s a +2

I know Nigel he’s the 3rd elan

S130. I had a bronze L reg in the 80s, fantastic to drive but nearly everything went wrong so it had to go.