New member near Indy

Owned my 1971 Elan S4 SE for 30+ years. Currently rebuilding transmission for the first time and engine for the second time (first time was 20 years ago!). Lots of fun!

Welcome! Post a picture please.

Welcome to the forum.
You certainly took your time to join after 30 years of ownership.
Glad your here and looking forward to hearing more about your car and experiences.

This is how she is now. Desperately trying to find a 2nd gear for the later snap-ring transmission (28 teeth, 37mm bore ID). Apparently they are NLA and all the normal suppliers (RD, Kelvedon, SJ, etc.) don’t have them. Maybe used? Maybe a whole Quaife gearset ($$$!)? maybe used transmission? Not sure where this will end up.

Welcome Remechen!