New Lotus Elan Owner

Hey Everyone,

I have acquired a 1970 Lotus Elan S4 just a few weeks ago and I have been loving every minute of it. I have had to fix a few things with the car and it still needs a little more TLC but nothing is wrong with the car mechanically at all. I am sure I will be on here asking a few questions to the experts soon.

I own a 1974 Lotus Europa TCS as well. So I am happy to announce I have added to my collection.

Chris Winfree


Great to see you on here, its an amazing, knowledgeable group with tons of support. Congrats!!!

David D.


Wow! Congratulations! Beautiful S4. Hope you enjoy the little roads this summer.

Welcome Chris,

Lovely car. How does it compare to the Europa I your opinion?


Hi Chris, wonderful to learn you bought an Elan. Very special these cars. Great knowledgable group here. They got me through all three of my restorations. For those that don’t know Chris, he (and his Dad) did a fantastic Europa restoration.

Hi Chris

Looks like a nice car and certainly a beautiful road the photo was taken on. it will be an interesting change from your Europa. i have an S1 Esprit which drives a lot like the Europas I have driven and its a totally different experience to my Elan or Plus 2 but they are all cars to be driven and enjoyed :smiley:



Welcome Chris, great looking car.

“Apples and Oranges”…

Thank you for the warm welcome everyone.

Good to hear from you Glen (Certified Lotus) hope all is well with you.

Driving the Elan is very different from the Europa. I enjoy driving both of them but with the summer months coming up, it is nice to have a convertible. I have attached a picture of my Europa.

Each car is a blast to drive!

Nice Elan! Did you get the opportunity to drive east from California or was it delivered to you? Would imagine a great journey through the back roads of the US. Enjoy!

Car was delivered to me. That would’ve been nice to do though.

Welcome Chris!

Hi Chris, welcome and congratulations on your Elan.
I remember your Europa restoration on that forum, good to see you here too.